October 26, 2020
EKS & K8S best practices
Cluster in AWS console
- By itself cluster costs 0.10$/h(72$/30 days)
- At the creation, it requires to choose IAM role, VPC and its subnets, it can't be changed later(also look at Fargate and ELB subnets requirements)
- Each pod(including kube-system) allocates IP in selected VPC
- It creates an AWS Security Group that automatically is being added to each internal node
- It's casual EC2 instances that are being added to the cluster and maintained by automatically created EC2 autoscaling group(unhealthy node replacement, multi-replica)
- Only IAM role can't be changed after creation(for updating EC2 instance hardware go to EC2 launch templates)
- By default, NodeGroups use docker 19.3.6
- Created instances are displayed in the EC2 Instances table, can be detached from Auto Scaling Group from its console and can be used for debugging
- By default, AWS has a limit of 500 concurrent fargate tasks(pods) per region
- Fargate works on containerd://1.3.2
- Restrictions for ports are configured in the cluster's AWS Security Group
- Fargate pods can run only in private(NAT) subnet
- Fargate pod doesn't support:
- ports:
- hostPort:
# pod has IP that has opened ports accordingly running services - volumes:
- hostPath: - kind: DaemonSet
- securityContext:
privileged: true - It has a min limit of 0.25 vCPU + 512MB and a max limit of 4vCPU + 30GB
- Sharing resources between services can be achieved by creating a pod with multiple containers(all of the services will restart during deployment rollout)
- Monitoring is available by installing metrics-server that fetches metrics directly from kubelet
K8S on EKS
- Persistence for pods can be achieved using EFS(native filesystem support, doesn't require any updates for running services)
- Access from the internet mainly achieved by ALB(custom balancers probably available, need research)
- Using default role from tutorial automatically allows to pull images from ECR(Elastic Container Registry)
- Secrets can be easily managed by AWS Secrets Manager in pair with External Secrets
- Kubeconfig requires aws-cli and can be built by
aws eks update-kube-config
or using the following template:
apiVersion: v1 clusters: - name: example-cluster-name cluster: certificate-authority-data: {from AWS console} server: {from AWS console} contexs: - name: example-context-name context: cluster: example-cluster-name namespace: default user: example-user-name kind: Config preferences: {} users: - name: example-user-name user: exec: apiVersion: client.authentication.k8s.io/v1alpha1 args: # optionally you can specify aws-cli profile # - --profile # - profile-name - --region - us-east-1 - eks - get-token - --cluster-name - infra command: aws current-context: example-context-name
ALB and networking
- Setup
- Annotations
- EKS ALB allows using domain routing:
Ingress is able to point requests with different host headers into different k8s services, this will create AWS Target Group for each rule but still will have only a single ALB - Trusted certificates with auto-renewing can be created in AWS Certificates Manager and connected to EKS Ingress in a special annotation field
- Additional features(details in annotations):
- IP range access restrictions
- HTTP -> HTTPS redirect
- Healthcheck: path, considered success statuses, timeouts, throttling, etc.
- G-Suite authorization can be implemented using pomerium
- For fargate autoscaling is achieved by standard HPA(HorizontalPodAutoscaler)
It creates pods according to conditions and then the fargate scheduler creates nodes - For NodeGroups autoscaling can be customized on the EC2 AutoScaling page in the AWS console
HELM Resources
For using docker-ce it's required to run jenkins on a node that supports the hostPath
option(like NodeGroup)
Failed attempts
- Tried configuring jenkins-agent using different set-ups: couldn't find a way to share scripts from master to agent
- Tried to use goldfish with vault by hashicorp: goldfish isn't stateful(doesn't support auto-bootstrapping)
In Plans
- Autotests on k8s(k8s job as primary process + 1 aerokube pod)
- Migrate backup crontab script to k8s CronJob