April 2

50 сложных Бизнес-промтов

Выкладываю в оригинале - поскольку чат на английском языке понимает лучше.

Для русского рекомендую следующую схему:

  • Используете промты в оригинале для первичного запроса
  • Затем просите перевести на русский и адаптировать под нужное применение (соцсети, документация, и пр.)

Ссылка на пробную версию ChatGPT → https://chat.openai.com/ (из РФ не очень)

Ссылка на работающий из России оригинальный ChatGPT - t.me/ChatiqsBot

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  1. "What are the most common challenges that my target audience faces in relation to the _______ I offer? Can you suggest some specific pain points?"
  2. "How can I use Chat GPT to provide personalized guidance and support to clients enrolled in my _______? Can you suggest some ways to tailor my responses to each client's needs?"
  3. "What specific results can my _______ deliver to clients? Can you suggest some possible outcomes?"
  4. "What are some frequently asked questions that clients have about my _______? Can you provide some sample questions and answers?"
  5. "Can you help me brainstorm a compelling hook or angle for my _______ that will grab my target audience's attention? Can you suggest some hook/angle templates or examples?"
  6. "How can I use social proof to demonstrate the value of my _______ to potential clients? Can you suggest some types of social proof that work well?"
  7. "What are some effective email marketing strategies for promoting my _______ to potential clients? Can you suggest some email templates or examples?"
  8. "How can I create a sense of urgency around my _______ without appearing pushy or manipulative? Can you suggest some scarcity tactics or urgency-building strategies?"
  9. "How can I use retargeting to reach potential clients who have shown interest in my _______? Can you suggest some retargeting tactics or examples?"
  10. "How can I use customer feedback to refine and improve my _______? Can you suggest some ways to collect and analyze client feedback?"
  11. "What are some effective ways to structure and package my _______ to maximize its value for clients? Can you suggest some package or pricing models?"
  12. "How can I use social media marketing to reach a wider audience with my _______? Can you suggest some social media strategies or templates?"
  13. "How can I use Chat GPT or other AI-powered tools to provide support and guidance to clients enrolled in my _______? Can you suggest some AI tools that work well?"
  14. "How can I use client testimonials and case studies to demonstrate the value of my _______ to potential clients? Can you suggest some ways to gather and feature client feedback?"
  15. "What are some effective upselling and cross-selling strategies that I can use to increase the value of each client transaction? Can you suggest some product or service bundles that work well?"
  16. "How can I use email segmentation to provide a more targeted and relevant experience for clients enrolled in my _______? Can you suggest some ways to segment my email list?"
  17. "How can I use video marketing to promote my _______ to potential clients? Can you suggest some video templates or examples?"
  18. "How can I use webinars to educate my target audience about the _______ my program covers? Can you suggest some webinar formats or examples?"
  19. "How can I use social media advertising to reach a wider audience and promote my _______? Can you suggest some social media advertising channels or tactics?"
  20. "How can I use customer personas to better understand the needs and preferences of my target audience interested in my _______? Can you suggest some customer persona templates or examples?"
  21. "How can I use A/B testing to optimize my marketing campaigns and improve my conversion rates for my _______? Can you suggest some A/B testing tools or strategies?"
  22. "What are some effective ways to use paid advertising to drive traffic to my _______? Can you suggest some paid advertising channels or tactics?"
  23. "How can I use web copy and landing pages to create a sense of excitement and anticipation around my _______? Can you suggest some landing page templates or examples?"
  24. "How can I use customer data and analytics to optimize my marketing campaigns and improve my conversion rates for my _______? Can you suggest some analytics tools or strategies?"
  25. "What are some effective ways to use customer surveys and polls to gather feedback and refine my _______? Can you suggest some survey or poll templates or examples?"
  26. "How can I use chatbots to automate my customer support and provide a more efficient and personalized experience for clients enrolled in my _______? Can you suggest some chatbot tools or strategies?"
  27. "What are some effective lead magnet ideas that I can use to capture the contact information of potential clients interested in my _______? Can you suggest some lead magnet templates or examples?"
  28. "How can I use email automation to save time and streamline my marketing efforts for my _______? Can you suggest some email automation tools or strategies?"
  29. "How can I use customer personas to better understand the needs and preferences of my target audience interested in my _______? Can you suggest some customer persona templates or examples?"
  30. "How can I use social media advertising to reach a wider audience and promote my _______? Can you suggest some social media advertising channels or tactics?"
  31. "How can I use A/B testing to optimize my marketing campaigns and improve my conversion rates for my _______? Can you suggest some A/B testing tools or strategies?"
  32. "How can I use lead scoring to prioritize my sales efforts and focus on the most promising leads interested in my _______? Can you suggest some lead scoring tools or strategies?"
  33. "How can I use customer feedback to create a better customer experience and promote my _______ to potential clients? Can you suggest some feedback collection and analysis tools or strategies?"
  34. "What are some effective ways to use webinars and training sessions to build a sense of community around my _______ and foster client loyalty? Can you suggest some community-building tactics or examples?"
  35. "How can I use storytelling to make my _______ more engaging and relatable to my target audience? Can you suggest some storytelling tactics or frameworks?"
  36. "What are some effective ways to create a sense of value and exclusivity around my _______? Can you suggest some value-adding strategies or tactics?"
  37. "How can I use customer feedback to identify areas for improvement in my _______ and make it even more valuable to clients? Can you suggest some feedback analysis tools or strategies?"
  38. "What are some effective ways to use testimonials and case studies to demonstrate the results my _______ can deliver? Can you suggest some testimonial or case study templates or examples?"
  39. "How can I use social media listening to monitor conversations about my _______ and identify areas for improvement? Can you suggest some social media listening tools or strategies?"
  40. "How can I use micro-influencers to promote my _______ to a more targeted audience? Can you suggest some micro-influencer tactics or examples?"
  41. "How can I use affiliate marketing to reach a wider audience and increase sales for my _______? Can you suggest some affiliate marketing tactics or platforms?"
  42. "How can I use video marketing to demonstrate the value of my _______ and build trust with my target audience? Can you suggest some video marketing templates or examples?"
  43. "How can I use web copy and landing pages to highlight the benefits of my _______ and encourage clients to make a purchase? Can you suggest some landing page templates or examples?"
  44. "What are some effective email marketing strategies for building relationships with clients and promoting my _______? Can you suggest some email marketing templates or examples?"
  45. "How can I use customer data and analytics to personalize my marketing efforts and improve the customer experience for my _______? Can you suggest some analytics tools or strategies?"
  46. "How can I use retargeting to reach potential clients who have shown interest in my _______ and encourage them to make a purchase? Can you suggest some retargeting tactics or examples?"
  47. "What are some effective ways to use gamification to make my _______ more engaging and fun for clients? Can you suggest some gamification tactics or examples?"
  48. "How can I use chatbots to provide support and guidance to clients enrolled in my _______ and streamline the delivery process? Can you suggest some chatbot tools or strategies?"
  49. "How can I use webinars and group coaching sessions to build a sense of community around my _______ and foster client loyalty? Can you suggest some community-building tactics or examples?"
  50. "How can I use customer feedback and data to identify opportunities for new high-ticket services or consulting packages that can solve the problems my target audience faces? Can you suggest some data analysis tools or strategies?"