July 11

My story

Here I am 12, I was like most people, it's hard for me to talk about it now and remember, but I would like to share it with you, perhaps someone will serve as a reflection for conclusions, and someone who will just continue to live their lives and afraid to change anything. I grew up in an ordinary, poor family my father left us when I was at an early age and my mother raised me and my sisters herself. At some point she was unemployed and took out a lot of loans, so from the age of 16 I started working because I realized that there was no other way out, I could not help to close the loans, because the money I earned by working part-time were catastrophically little and I decided that this can no longer continue, the debts are growing and my health and mental and physical on the end. At this point I clearly realized that either I take the risk on myself and change something or we simply stay in this ass, I'm sorry I can not put it differently. In general, flipping social networks before going to bed I came across a video that put me in a stupor, on the video a man showed a ready strategy and then went into the game and applied it and in front of my eyes made 10x, I thought yes can not be , but at the same time I was very interested to know what the game was all about and what do you think after a couple of days I started looking for these ways to do the same thing and I found in the same channel as I'm doing now, I decided to take the risk but I had my head on my shoulders so first I put the minimum amount to not lose anything and doing everything according to the instructions, I made 10x seeing such results in In the future I decided to share it with others, to help more and more people I created this tg channel and I am not an infotsigan, who wants to cram you with his courses or some paid service. I give each of you the opportunity to earn free in my tg channel, but the main decision is always up to you, I gave you everything, someone takes and does and has results, and someone who writes negative, complaining about his life.