December 30, 2020

Stop Female Hair Loss and Thinning Hair

Saw palmetto has been clinicallyFolicall Review proven to work just as well as finasteride (Propecia), and may even reverse hair loss. Take 100 mg twice a day for the best results.

Drinking 2 cups green tea daily may also help treat, prevent and reverse hair loss.
Herbs such as rosemary, yarrow and horsetail, known for their ability to strengthen the hair and hair follicles, can be taken as a tea. While only a supplemental treatment, any of these herbs will benefit sufferers of hair loss. To make herbal tea, steep 2 tsp. of dried herbs in 1 cup boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes, then strain and drink.

Therapeutic massage increases circulation to the scalp and decreases stress, which typically has a positive effect on the hair follicles. A scalp massage using certain essential oils has been proven in clinical studies to promote hair regrowth. Combine two drops rosemary essential oil, 2 drops lavender essential oil, and one drop each sage, thyme and cedarwood essential oil with 1 tbsp. jojoba or grapeseed oil. Massage the mixture into the scalp once a day and you should see results within a few months.