October 21
Weekly Review: Monday 21st October
Salary Models:
Model Updates:
- Meeting this week to discuss possible move to BA and the benefits of this. She is strong on the fact that this is not something she wants to do right now and is going to try and find somewhere in mar del plata or close to mar del plata that fits in the price range.
- All good with content submissions this week
- Great first session with Agustina this week and personality shined in the content for twitter. Much more natural and better backgrounds for twitter.
- Almost 100% content submissions.
- Checked in with her last night and she's really happy with how things are going.
- Shooting her content from the apartment next week until mid Nov.
- 18% submissions this week
- Left all content to the last day and then did not complete and submit
- Moved shoot day
Content Plans -
Aye Week 31: https://teletype.in/@syrup/J3hlAgCde7s
Gabri Week 15: https://teletype.in/@syrup/Pi4MOLPwQAS
Tamara Week 4: https://teletype.in/@syrup/LKfnVhnLyIK
Aye Week 31: https://teletype.in/@syrup/_OKVESBt6fK
Gabri Week 15: https://teletype.in/@syrup/stYs1ctzEt6
Tamara Week 4: https://teletype.in/@syrup/ElRMpgu0v9B
Percentage Models:
- Successful video call with scott
- 2 x generic OF videos uploaded this week
- In Taiwann now for one month
Model Meeting: Jazmin organised for 3pm SA time Monday afternoon.
Laura onboarding and working through voiceovers
- Training New Manager Freida
- Onboarding Jazmin and Full Account Set Up
- Chat Team Switch over to Fans Metric
- Team Leaders turning over all notes to FM
- Auto Messages and Welcome Sequences Set up on all pages
- Marketing Maya / Ariana / Tamara
2 more sessions booked this week for marketing content.
Joselito - needs to work on techniques
Switching these up every 3 days.
Doing these across the accounts may be helpful?
- Keeping within the same set
- Quality of sexting sessions
- Telegram SFS from Bella to Ruby and SA models
- Bella's telegram Channel
- Telegram SFS for Ruby
- Pinned posts other models (Kacey / Gloria)
- Updating the spreadsheet regularly with Jazz
- Links removals up to date from Oct 20th
- Cross referencing removals of links with jazz !
- Sent check in message yesterday and sending regualar links for removal
Halloween Campaigns across all pages
AI photo shoot if we are struggling without content submissions % models