February 25, 2023

Feel the music from what you see

Image of fealing the music... Everyone can feel differently

What we see around us can have a significant influence on the sounds that come to mind. Our brains are wired to make associations between different sensory inputs, and visual stimuli can often trigger auditory memories or imaginings.

For example, if we see a video of waves crashing on the shore, we may automatically hear the sound of the waves in our minds. Similarly, if we see a picture of a forest, we may imagine the sounds of rustling leaves, chirping birds, and running water.

Our past experiences and memories also play a role in shaping the sounds that come to mind when we see certain visuals. For example, if we grew up near a train station, we may associate the sound of trains with the sight of railroad tracks or train stations.

The influence of visual stimuli on auditory perception is not limited to our memories and experiences. Research has shown that the mere presence of visual cues can enhance our ability to detect and identify sounds. For example, a study found that participants were better able to identify speech sounds when they were presented with corresponding lip movements.

Overall, what we see around us can have a powerful influence on the sounds that we perceive or imagine. As sound engineers, it is important to be aware of this connection between visual and auditory perception and use it to create immersive and impactful auditory experiences.