Get Rid Of Hiatus Hernia For Good!
Much has been written about hiatus hernia. We all know now that hiatus hernia occurs when the stomach moves into the esophagus tube where it should not be. This is, unfortunately, since the esophagus does not have similar protective lining as the stomach.
The tissue lining in the esophageal must be protected from stomach acid. This protection is dependent on a sphincter (LES), which is a circle of muscles that are located at the junction of the stomach and esophagus. It is at this junction the LES opens and closes to allow chewed food to enter the stomach and not go up into the esophagus.
There is increased pressure within the stomach compared to the chest cavity, to move contents from the stomach to back into the esophagus. When this occurs, you develop a condition called acid reflux.
You may have this acid reflux and not know you have a hiatus hernia. If your hernia is slight, you will never know you have this condition.
Regards Tania Clover
Specialist Kleem mantra for love