How to Get a Fantastic Automated Tarot Card Reading for Free
Have you noticed how everything appears to be moving faster these days, particularly this year? People are awakening spiritually at an increasing rate, eager to learn more and discover their actual sole purpose. They may be determined to break free from old limiting habits and beliefs, create greater abundance, release emotional pain and trauma, and let rid of harmful relationships and jobs on a conscious mind level. They may, however, get disappointed by the ineffectiveness of traditional therapies such as therapy and psychology, which primarily address issues at the level of the conscious mind. It's no surprise, given that the conscious mind only accounts for 10% of the mind and is incapable of dealing with energetic trauma housed within the body and energy field.
Despite my training as a psychologist and counselor, I have been practicing Tarot Reader for nearly two decades and have found it to be significantly more helpful than 'talk treatments' in assisting patients to get beyond where they are stuck. An accumulation of unresolved traumas and inaccurate subconscious beliefs causes nearly everyone to have areas of blocked, trapped, or stagnant energy. When energy cannot flow easily, major emotional, mental, and spiritual obstacles to happiness, as well as bodily discomfort and dis-ease, might arise. Energy therapy aims to rebalance a person's energy on all levels by clearing energetic blockages on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
In the last few months, I've seen a huge shift from energy healing modalities like Reiki, Seichim, and Sekhem, which rely heavily on learning and applying complex symbols, to a new wave of higher vibration energy healing, such as the Isis Healing of Love System, where it's no longer about learning a string of complex symbols to be effective, but rather about being able to connect with your higher self. More and more healers are being invited to work with the compassionate and Divine Love energy of the empowered Divine Feminine. This new wave of energy therapy helps patients quickly release and transcend their troubles, often from places where they've been stuck for years, if not lifetimes.
The Ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis, in particular, is making her presence known at this critical juncture in the evolution of awareness. To be pleasantly affected by her energy, you don't need to know anything about her or have any certain beliefs. Isis, also known as the Universal Mother Goddess, has various cultural equivalents, including Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion, and Mother Mary. Her outspread gold wings and the solar disc ringed by cow's horns on her head, or the empty throne of her deceased husband Osiris, are frequently represented in Ancient Egyptian art. Isis empowered Divine Feminine energy boosts a person's vibration and helps to repair damage to their 12 strand DNA and energy field. Through soul initiation, Isis aids in the evolution of consciousness.