August 24, 2021

Digital Transformation via Blockchain Integration

Very little in our lives hasn’t been touched or changed somehow by the dual revolutions of computer technology and the internet. In a larger sense, the changes they’ve inspired can be summed up in the term digital transformation (DT), from banking and investing online to communicating with virtually anyone in the world for free. And blockchain technology is quickly becoming one of the main drivers of DT, for good reasons.

From securing and optimizing banking practices and insurance in the private sector to voting and reducing governmental bureaucracy in the public sector, all areas of enterprise stand to be changed through blockchain digital transformation.

Let’s Save the Trees for Building the House, Shall We?

If you’ve ever closed on a house, especially one with a mortgage, you know what it’s like to have sprained wrists from signing papers. If your wrists weren’t hurting so much, you’d cry for all of the trees that had to die needlessly instead.

Today, the real estate industry has been undergoing a digital transformation, beginning with online listings of available properties, since automated Realtor boards were created in the 1980s. About half of those interested in buying a home search online before using other means.

2018 saw the first time blockchain was used to sell a house. But blockchain technology has begun to seriously reduce the paperwork involved in real estate, including listing agreements, letters of intent and offer sheets as well as closing documents.

Moreover, real estate contracts need to pass through fewer hands, such as those of bankers and even realtors, with blockchain-facilitated (smart) contracts automatically ensuring the validity and the oversight of dozens or even thousands of node operators.

Digging Deeper to See Why Blockchain Is Special

The digital transformation framework blockchain provides is doing more than saving trees, too. It’s ensuring transaction accuracy, eliminating intermediaries and securing transactions in a uniquely immutable way. Indeed, it can even make blockchain-secured property security systems much less hackable.

Across all industries, blockchain provides the most secure and accurate solution for any transaction, for several reasons:

● The encrypted code blocks that keep records of transactions are virtually unhackable.

● Smart contracts, the code setting rules for how transactions are made — in decentralized finance (DeFi) blockchain, specifically — are unbreachable and unchangeable, making transactions safe from malicious actors, accidental overwrites and unclear contract terms.

● Multiple stakers — invested validators — of transactions ensure the accuracy of all on-chain transactions worldwide.

Without sounding too technical, you can say blockchain integration provides benefits that conventional database technology cannot. Although many platforms authenticate transactions, they ultimately store data in a database — a centralized authority.

This means that conventional databases can still allow a single point of failure. With blockchain, however, data is stored in more places and verified by more actual humans than any individual or enterprise could reasonably afford.

Moreover, while database-held data can be hacked or accidentally changed, it’s a different story with blockchain’s system of block producers, such as EOS block producers, who add the transactions, or blocks, to a blockchain. A virtually impossible number of computers would need to be hacked at once for blockchain-secured transaction data to be altered.

Making Safer, Even Greener Transactions

In the ongoing digital transformation, transaction validation is one of the main ways blockchain technology excels. Indeed, blockchain’s high level of trust and transparency allows for some great opportunities to improve people's lives in a virtually limitless number of ways.

In just one example, Canada’s energy supply was challenged when electric car owners plugged in at peak demand times, but blockchain solved the problem. While car owners’ energy use was measured as immutably accurate transactions, reward tokens were triggered for those saving energy.

Through verifying data robustly and removing costly intermediaries, blockchain technology allowed this win-winnovation to succeed.


In short, blockchain allows both businesses and consumers ways to securely manage transactions and keep up with the worldwide digital transformation.

So how can your company best adapt to this age of transformation? According to Business Leader, companies need to make a roadmap and work features of DT into their business gradually rather than force quick changes. Similarly, companies need to choose technologies — such as blockchain — that will last.

Not Just Choosing the Right Team, But the Best Players As Well

In order to take advantage of the benefits of blockchain digital transformation, specifically DeFi platforms are needed. Otherwise, using centralized finance (CeFi) platforms such as Coinbase (not Coinbase Wallet) and Binance will provide a likely less transparent and certainly a more mediated implementation.

One player making waves in the DeFi space is AIKON. Its signature identity management platform, ORE ID (a secure login tool for blockchain), provides an easy but secure login interface accessible through email, most popular third-party social media logins and even SMS. ORE ID is built to be user-friendly enough for anyone responsible for integrating new technology in an organization to interact with.

And that’s an important point when it comes to the oncoming digital transformation — inclusivity. There’s nothing more inclusive than DeFi, with the transparency of its public ledgers and freedom from centralized control.

Another essential point is connection. Our lives aren’t transformed in a bubble, but we influence each other with the technology we use.

Companies such as AIKON understand the importance of inclusion and connection, too. For example, AIKON is set up to connect all users of ORE ID across multiple blockchains, allowing for interoperability.

With AIKON and its cross-chain capabilities, you definitely won’t be alone as the digital transformation that blockchain brings advances and improves everyone’s lives.