June 12, 2020

Why does my Google App keep crashing on my iPhone?

Get easy advice to fix when Google App keeps crashing on my iPhone

Google app is the inbuilt feature of the Android device, but if you want to use it on your iPhone device, you can proceed easily. It is a world of technology and everything is possible when it comes to using your Google app on your iPhone device, but if it keeps crashing and doesn’t know what to do, you need to get immediate help and information to get this issue fixed at the right time.

Sometimes, you might see that your Google App not working on iPhone at this, it is important to check at the first internet connection is working well or not. And then you can find instant help to solve this problem with ease.

Get the steps to get this issue fixed at right time:

· At first, turn on your iPhone device and then go to the settings and then click on the Google app.

· You can change the settings of your iPhone and also check with the setting's internet connection.

· Check out the latest version of the Google app from the app store and then make sure that your iPhone has compatible software.

· You reset your iPhone once and then use the latest app of Google on your iPhone device with ease.

If you want further assistance, do contact us at any time.