February 12

Может ли администратор Telegram-канала увидеть, кто просмотрел его публикацию. Can a Telegram channel administrator see who viewed their publication

The answer is no. However, they can see who subscribed. Even if the person unsubscribes from the channel immediately, the administrator can still see their initial subscription on the «Recent actions» page. Furthermore, if your channel has more than 1000 subscribers, you can now see some statistics, such as the number of views, interaction with publications, growth of subscriptions, and much more.

  1. Возможности администратора Telegram-канала
  2. Как узнать, кто прочитал сообщение в Telegram-канале
  3. Как учитываются просмотры в Telegram-канале
  4. Советы по увеличению просмотров в Telegram-канале

Администратор Telegram-канала не может увидеть, кто просмотрел его публикацию. Однако если пользователь подписался на канал, то администратор сможет увидеть его подписку на вкладке «Последние действия», даже если последующим образом пользователь отписался. Если на канале более 1000 подписчиков, то администратор может использовать некоторую статистику, такую как количество просмотров, взаимодействие с публикациями, рост числа подписчиков и другую информацию. В целом, администратор может только сделать вывод о том, что количество просмотра публикации было выполнено, однако он не сможет точно определить, кто это сделал. Пользователь может получить информацию о количестве просмотров, только если администратор канала предоставил такую информацию.

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How to find out who viewed your Telegram posts

If you are the administrator of a Telegram channel, you can find out how many unique users viewed your avatars by using the function of channel viewing statistics. In the «Channel information» section, you will find data on the number of views for each post that used your avatar.

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How to find out who viewed a message in a Telegram channel

In fact, Telegram shows who has already read the message. For Android: click on the message to open a window with additional information and commands. For iOS: you need to hold your finger on the message until a window opens, where you will see who exactly viewed the message.

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Where do views come from in a Telegram channel

If the channel is public, not only subscribers are counted but also visitors to the channel (including those from search) as well as people from other channels (if something was reposted there). If the channel is private, only subscribers are counted. Views show how many people saw your post.

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How many administrators can a Telegram channel have

The number of public channels per account can be up to 10 (including groups). The length of @username is 5-32 characters. The length of the channel name and description can be up to 255 characters. The number of administrators can be up to 50 accounts (including bots).

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Useful Tips and Conclusion

When it comes to Telegram channels, administrators should keep in mind that while they can see who subscribed to their channel, they cannot see who viewed their post. However, by using the channel statistics function, they can get a general idea of how many people viewed their posts.

It's important to note that channels can have up to 10 public channels per account and up to 50 administrators, including bots. To effectively manage a channel, administrators should regularly check the «Recent actions» page to see who subscribed and unsubscribed and use the channel statistics function to understand how their content is being perceived by their audience.

In conclusion, while Telegram does not offer a feature for administrators to see who viewed their posts, there are still ways for them to gather relevant data on their channel's performance. By using the platform's built-in tools and regularly monitoring its activity, channel administrators can ensure their content is reaching its intended audience.