October 1, 2022

Argo Testnet - Step by step for participations.

What is Argo?

Argo is a lending protocol on Aptos that lets users collateral for minting and borrowing a dollar-pegged stablecoin USDA. Much like Maker Protocol on Ethereum, Argo will unlock liquidity for otherwise idle assets deployed in the Aptos ecosystem.

Argo is currently live on the Aptos Devnet, and plans to be live on Mainnet on day 1 of Aptos mainnet launch (estimated to be in November 2022).

How Argo Works


An Argo engine is a single type of yield-earning asset pool with its own parameters, such as USDA borrow cap, initial collateral ratio, and minimum collateral ratio. These parameters are adjusted to account for factors such as asset volatility, liquidity, and/or overall safety. An engine owns many vaults.

Engines are the equivalent of ilks in Maker.


An Argo vault is an individual collateralized debt position owned by a user, containing their deposited yield-earning asset and USDA debt balance. Each vault is independent, and can have different amounts of debt. A user can own many vaults, each belonging to different engines.

While collateral is in a vault, it will continue to earn yield (i.e liquidity mining rewards). Furthermore, USDA can be minted and borrowed from the vault.

With USDA in hand, a wide variety of opportunities are unlocked.


The Argo core team is composed of developers with many years of software engineering experience in the crypto industry. Learning move (the smart contract language of Aptos) has been fun and we are confident our experience will translate into Aptos. We previously worked at big tech companies before transitioning to DeFi full-time.

Getting to the Testnet

Change the wallet settings to "Testnet" and start working.

Go to the website and connect Martian Wallet

We make a request for test tokens in the faucet.

Press the "Deposit" button and confirm the transaction.

Press the "Withdraw" button and withdraw some tokens.

Press the "Mint" button and confirm the transaction.

Press the "Repay" button and confirm the transaction.

Make a screenshot of your trades, you will need it to report in discord.


Go to the discord and leave feedback in the branch #feedback and if you find a bug describe it in the branch #bug-report

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