Incentivized Testnets
December 27, 2022

HAVAH Incentivized Testnet - step by step for participations.

HAVAH is a platform that allows you to incorporate and utilize NFT assets from multiple networks.

Through HAVAH's interchain NFT transmission protocol (INTP), users can bring their NFTs scattered across multiple chains into the HAVAH ecosystem for easier management and utilization.

The age of the metaverse and digitalization of assets is coming. HAVAH are preparing for the next revolutionary step towards that future, where NFTs have no limit, made possible by interchain protocols.

HAVAH proudly presents the next evolution of the digital asset ecosystem, a limitless playground for the future of NFTs.

Very simple and interesting testnet which will introduce you with HAVAH wallet and its functionality as well as the project team announced that the participants of this testnet will be rewarded with $HVH token project after exit in mainnet.

Let's start testing.

Go to the chrome online store and install the HAVAH Wallet browser extension;

Go to testnet site and click to “LET'S GO”;

Click to “Connect” button;

Agree to the terms and click "Connect";

Enter your email address and click "Sign Up";

Create your account;

Verify your email in mailbox;

Switch to testnet, claim your testnet HVH tokens and click to "Request"

Choose your hero and click on the "Mint" button;

Confirm the transaction;

This task consists of connecting your mining NFT to another network. Please read the step-by-step instructions and complete everything by clicking on the "BRIDGE MY NFT" button;

Click to “CONFIRM” button;

This is your referral link through which you can invite friends and acquaintances and for this to receive additional points;

Finished. Testnet is over.


For those who participated in Havah Testnet, there are a few things to do:

  • Pick up test tokens in Goerli ETH network via tap, or BSC Testnet via tap;
  • Send minimum 0.1 ETH or minimum 0.4 BNB to their address 0x82148231d76DfC18A4d1C4063E694c179b7911eD;
  • Search in Explorer for your bridge transaction on their platform, and the transaction of sending test tokens:
  • Go to discord, in the tab #Testnet-Verify send your Havah address, link to your bridge transaction from ETH Goerli, Polygon Mumbai or BSC Testnet, and link to the transaction of sending test tokens.

If you have any questions, post in our chats! Good luck bounty hunters!