August 29, 2022

Souffl3 Aptos Testnet - Step by step instructions for participation.

What is Souffl3?

Souffl3 where it offers a one-stop marketplace to launch, list and trade NFT assets on APTOS; It is also multi-chain ready, you can seamlessly switch between Aptos and Solana; Lastly, Souffl3 also includes smart trading functions, where you can easily to track latest prices, find and sweep the undervalued NFTs, social trading, and so much more. https://souffl3.com/

How to take part in the testnet?

Download the Martian wallet from the official resource - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/martian-aptos-wallet/efbglgofoippbgcjepnhiblaibcnclgk?hl=ru
First, register in the Discord and confirm your wallet - #dessert - kitchen
Go to the official site - https://souffl3.com/
We connect the Martian wallet
Request test tokens
Mint 5 NFT
Done, now we put them up for sale. We set any price, you can set one by one or all at once.
The main phase of the testnet is completed, if you find bugs and errors, please write to Discord (#feedback server)

Baking competition

The project launched a baking competition, the duration of the company is August 22 - September 30, 2022, 12:00 UTC! What is the competition?
Souffl3 DevNet Daily Tasks 1 - One-off Task - JOIN TG BOT 2 - Daily Routine Tasks 3 - Souffl3 Bake Off
You will find the most detailed description of all tasks and rewards in this article on Medium - be sure to subscribe to the blog and like it!

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