October 17, 2022

Tusima Testnet - Step by step for participations.

What is TUSIMA?

Tusima is a Layer2 controllable privacy financial network based on ZK-Rollup. Integrating zero-knowledge proof, iterative proof and homomorphic encryption technology, Tusima performs controllable data privacy functions on the chain and it also supports multi-chain interoperability, protects the privacy of sensitive data for DeFi users and builds a high TPS scalable financial network. It aims to build the infrastructure of controllable privacy finance in the era of Web 3.0.


Go to the testnet site - https://testnet.tusima.network/

Connect a wallet in the Goerli network

Think of a password to log in

Use the faucet to get test eth - https://faucetlink.to/goerli

Click on "Faucet" and then on the "Claim" button

Add test tokens to your Metamask

Make a "Deposit" of each test token

Send the tokens to the address you want

Make a withdrawal from the platform to your wallet

Go to the "Explorer" tab and click on "My Transactions" & Click on the "Decrypted"

Download your transaction history

Request your own TSBT


The test will last until October 31, 2022, at 23:59 (UTC) and during the test period you can send feedback to Discord#🙋|feedback


When you complete the test, you will be rewarded a TusimaDAO SBT(Soulbound Token) as the only proof that you contribute to the Tusima community and you can get access to future benefits and rights. One more thing, don’t forget to submit your feedback on our Discord channel after your test.