September 17, 2023

ZNS Connect Name Service — Step by step guide. 

ZNS Connect Name Service(ZNS) is an innovative decentralized naming system operating on the Zetachain blockchain. This platform provides an intuitive and memorable way to identify and interact with participants in the web3 ecosystem. By offering domain names instead of complex Zetachain addresses, ZNS simplifies the process of conducting transactions, interacting with decentralized applications (dApps), and creating unique online identities.

Key Components

  1. Domain Registration: At the core of ZNS is domain registration, a fundamental element. Users gain the ability to register unique and personalized domain names on the Zetachain network. These domain names serve as unique identifiers for individuals, organizations, projects, and any entities within the blockchain ecosystem. By registering domains, users assert ownership and control over the chosen names, allowing them to link them to blockchain accounts, dApps, and digital assets.
  2. Domain Resolution: The domain resolution process is the foundation of ZNS functionality. When users enter a ZNS domain name into a web browser or dApp, the system seamlessly translates it into the corresponding blockchain address. This flexible resolution mechanism ensures a convenient and user-friendly interaction experience, thereby enhancing the usability of ZNS.
  3. ERC721 Integration: ZNS leverages ERC721 integration, a widely adopted standard for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain. This integration allows users to directly associate their NFT collections or specific NFTs with their domain names. Such integration provides a convenient way to verify and authenticate NFT ownership, creating a trusted and transparent method for buyers to confirm the authenticity and origin of art pieces and collectibles.
  4. Smart Contract Architecture: Smart contracts play a crucial role in the ZNS ecosystem, ensuring its operation. ZNS employs a complex smart contract architecture to manage domain registration, resolution, and management. These smart contracts provide security, transparency, and immutability to the processes of ZNS. They define and enforce rules for domain registration, ownership transfer, and domain resolution, creating a robust and decentralized environment for ZNS operations.

Unique Features

ZNSstands out due to its integration with the Zetachain blockchain, providing a secure and efficient environment for domain management. The use of ERC721 integration adds an additional level of flexibility, enabling easy linkage of NFTs with domain names.

Future Plans

In the coming months, ZNS plans to enhance its capabilities by introducing features such as NFT avatars, profile pages, advanced domain management options, and integration with other blockchains. Continuously evolving, ZNS aims to become a key component of the decentralized internet, allowing users to navigate the blockchain landscape with ease and efficiency.

For more detailed information about the project’s future plans, you can refer to the official Roadmap.

Domain Name Purchase

Purchasing a domain name on ZNS Connect Name Service (ZNS) is an important step for those who wish to establish their online identity and facilitate interaction in the decentralized ecosystem. With ZNS, users can:

  1. Register a Unique Domain Name: Users can choose a unique and memorable domain name that will serve as their online identifier.
  2. Assert Ownership and Control: Buying a domain name on ZNS gives users full ownership and control rights over the selected name.
  3. Link Domains to Blockchain Accounts: Registered domains can be linked to blockchain accounts, dApps, and digital assets, making the interaction process on the blockchain more convenient.

Reasons Why You Should Buy a Domain Name

Purchasing a domain name on ZNS Connect can be advantageous and beneficial for various users and entities in the blockchain ecosystem. Here are several reasons why you might consider buying a domain name on ZNS:

  • Unique Online Identity: A domain name allows you to create a unique and memorable online identity that can easily be associated with your assets and projects in the blockchain.
  • Simplified Interaction: Instead of using complex blockchain addresses, you can provide others with your domain name, significantly simplifying the process of conducting transactions and interacting within the ecosystem.
  • Connection to NFTs and Collections: You can link your domain name to NFT collections or specific NFTs, making it more valuable and verifying its authenticity.
  • Fraud Protection: Thanks to blockchain records, purchasing a domain name on ZNS provides security and protection against fraud.
  • Future Rewards: All domain name owners and active Discord users will be eligible for airdrop distribution of native tokens after the TGE.

Activities and Giveaways

ZNS Connect conducts various activities and giveaways to attract participants and reward them for their involvement in the project. For example, the ZetaChain Testnet Exploration Contest is currently ongoing, where participants can explore the ZetaChain ecosystem and have a chance to win rewards.

You can also participate in quests on the Zealy platform and earn XP for future rewards. The project actively engages with social WEB3 platforms like TaskON & QuestN, regularly posting new tasks and giveaways, so don’t miss out on any of them.

The project has also launched a Referral Program, allowing participants to invite other users and receive rewards for each referral who registers a domain using their referral link.

Referral Program

The ZNS Connect Referral Program allows participants to earn a 10% commission when users register domains using their referral links. This presents an excellent opportunity for participants to bring in other users into the ZNS ecosystem and be rewarded for their efforts.

Participants can simply register for the referral program and share their referral link with their audience, allowing them to earn while contributing to the growth of the ZNS ecosystem.

For more details on the referral program, you can visit the provided link.

Social Networks

You can stay updated on ZNS Connect project news and updates, as well as participate in discussions by subscribing to their official social media and resources.

Subscribe to, and you’ll find all the links to the project’s social resources and documentation.

Join the ZNS community, explore the possibilities, and become a part of the decentralized revolution in internet and naming. ZNS Connect promises to change the way we interact with the blockchain and create a more accessible and convenient future.

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