Why Buying Replica Watches Is Not Smart - 5 Reasons
Buying a replica watch seems simple and innocent, but it is certainly not. Below we give you five reasons why buying a counterfeit watch is not so smart. Is it illegal to wear a fake watch? We explain it all below. You still decide what to buy after the article, our article is purely informative. Five reasons why buying replica watches is not smart:
Buying a fake watch abroad or in your own country. It may seem beneficial, but the consequences can cost you enormously. Replica watches or First copy watches belong to the group of counterfeit and piracy products and violate intellectual property rights. It is in fact an imitation or reproduction of existing aspects of a brand or product that is used without permission.
It is very risky to buy counterfeits on the internet and it is certainly not smart to just give it a try. No, we are not exaggerating! On the internet, a replica watch will also usually be sent from abroad (often from a temporary address) in a package. Your package will have to travel a long way across the different borders via courier services. During a normal check, customs always have permission to confiscate and immediately destroy these types of watches. Get rid of your well-earned money! All costs incurred can therefore be passed on to the recipient (customer). Furthermore, in Belgium it is also permitted that a trademark owner may request compensation from the recipient. You are only within your rights if you can prove that you have bought the watch, without knowing it's fake. If there are effective brand names and normal prices on the website, then we naturally speak of fraud.
If you think you can just buy or sell counterfeits or replicas online, you are wrong. It had always been illegal and will continue to be so. You can very quickly find such webshops on search engines, but buying will be at your own risk. These websites will often link to other URLs. If you look at the contact page of such websites, you will usually find only commercial email addresses (without domain names) such as @gmail.com, @yahoo.com, @hotmail.com and so on. These websites have to constantly move and change URLs. If the police or government were to block one of their websites, they wouldn't lose any money on a professional email address with a domain name. If, exceptionally, domain names are nevertheless used,
The 'Shipping & Returns' (Shipping Info Page) is also important to read. You will see that you do not have many rights to return the product without reason (which is not legal). If there is 'supposedly' a return policy, then you should take this with a grain of salt. You never or never want to send counterfeit from your own name and address, because then you are committing criminal offenses yourself! There can also be (so-called) costs to take the product back into stock, these can often be huge costs. Finally, shipping costs may also be added. Do you still want to return a product under these circumstances? No? They have thought of that very well, of course! Explore our new range of Rado first copy watches in Mumbai
The quality of replica watches will never really be sublime. We are talking here about delicate watches and not about clothing. These timepieces are usually assembled in Hong Kong or China, so you should not expect more. You will usually wear a watch every day, so don't underestimate how sturdy your watch straps, crown, case and glassware must be to keep this up! The reason why you will not get a 2 year warranty on these (fake) watches is that it is known that these items will not have a long life. This is of course not legal, but what do you expect from such websites.
Suppose you were meeting with a CEO or other important person. You know that a connection with that person will be important for your future career. Then imagine that he would like to shake your hand for the first time and that he would immediately see your Rolex shining. He is a lover of the Rolex brand and would like to take a closer look at it. Fun? Not if it's fake! Who wears fake watches these days? Cheaters, show animals and the people who themselves have been scammed? Most people do associate counterfeit watches with certain groups. Not really a group you'd want to associate with, huh? There goes your chance to prove yourself and make connections! If it had been a real watch, then you simply had more status, respect and also a topic of conversation. The opportunities are almost innumerable!
You could never really buy a replica safely. So be wary of buying a watch that sells for a fraction of the price. It will almost certainly be a fake timepiece. Furthermore, you do not even have the certainty that you will actually get a watch. These webshops (owners) will not lose sleep over a lawsuit or complaint. If you were to make a payment, there is also a good chance that your personal information (credit cards and transaction data) could be stolen. So you not only have a chance of losing money from your transaction, but also the money from your credit card. Your personal data will therefore not be stored securely.
So it is a very bad idea to buy counterfeit products on the internet and offline. After all, it can cost you money, time and personal data. If you would consciously buy counterfeit yourself, you could also get a lawsuit, punishment or compensation on your leg. Of course it depends on the situation, but is it smart to take such risks? A real watch from a good brand will indeed cost you some money, but these costs will be negligible after a few years. After all, there is a chance that these (real) watches can only become more expensive as they become rarer. You could have years of fun. There is even a possibility of a lifetime warranty from the brand! Craftsmanship is an art and it gives you security. We only sell genuine watches of which we are sure that the quality will be sublime! Are you interested into buy real brands ? Then you are definitely in the right place!