September 7
Panda Loader
PandaLoader - это загрузчик шеллкода WIP, предназначенный для того, чтобы избежать обнаружения с помощью различных методов и функций антианализа, таких как обнаружение виртуальной машины (ВМ), внедрение процессов и расшифровка полезной нагрузки.
Add Windows Defender Exclusions [admin required] Persistence [optional] Mutex : Only a single instance of PandaLoader will be running at any given time Anti-VM Techniques: Ensures that the loader doesn't execute in a virtualized environment, which is commonly used for malware analysis. Obfuscation: Uses compile-time string obfuscation to hinder static analysis. XOR Encryption with Dynamic Key Generation: Protects the shellcode from being easily detected by antivirus tools. APC Injection: A stealthy method to execute code in the context of another process. ETW Patching: Prevents certain Windows logging mechanisms from being used to detect the malware's activities. Self-Dectruct [optional]