April 7, 2020

tiaa statement


Shopper and client request stays solid for our arrangement of items. Sundial propelled a sum of 105 SKUs in the grown-up use advertise in the primary quarter of 2020 to date, speaking to a 72% expansion versus the final quarter of 2019. New dispatches speak to 74 bloom SKUs and 31 vape SKUs under the Top Leaf, Sundial Cannabis, Palmetto and Grassland brands. Sundial likewise plans to dispatch extra items 2020 in Canada under its current image portfolio dependent on economic situations, client input and information examination.


Our deals per purpose of appropriation stays solid, and we will keep on putting brilliantly in our brands broadly. In spite of the fact that our attention is on marked deals, we as of late executed a critical discount concurrence with a main five authorized maker, speaking to assessed net income of $9.3 million to be acknowledged in the principal half of 2020. We keep on sloping up activities in the final quarter and now have each of the 114 develop rooms at our Olds, Alberta office finished and completely authorized. We are utilizing our motivation assembled measured develop rooms to develop more than 20 strains, which are being sold under the entirety of our brands to common sheets.


Most of our harvests are presently trying above 18% THC and with a few gathers currently testing admirably above 20%. Each strain has its own ideal developing condition. And keeping in mind that we keep on tweaking every particular conditions, we accept the top notch item we are reaping approves the development and accomplishment of our Olds office and our creation systems. We have recorded and dispatched grown-up use cannabis items to nine Canadian regions across the nation.


In February 2020, Sundial got endorsement from Quebec, extending our conveyance system to cover 98% of the national recreational industry. While we despite everything have some truly difficult work to do to get to where we should be, I accept we have gained huge ground in a brief timeframe, given we just began selling our Sundial marked item in January of 2019. With that, I might want to turn the get back to Zach for shutting comments.


Much obliged, Andrew. To finish up, I anticipate connecting with you and a significant number of Sundial's partners over the coming many months. We are endeavoring to guarantee that Sundial explores the current testing and questionable condition, has sufficient liquidity and turns out to be economically productive. In the following 12 to two years, we accept that our industry will see numerous business disappointments, just as some union.