October 31, 2021

День 85. Porn is not the worst thing in Musical.ly [Part 1]

Практически чеклист заболеваний сервисов, где есть публичный контент и социальные взаимодействия.

1. Порно стримы в Musical.ly (теперь TikTok). Мужчина стримил свой член

> user uploaded content by millions of people who can also live stream, which is how I first encountered porn on Musical.ly. A very helpful naked man live-streamed his live stream (if you know what I mean).

2. Кибер булинг. Дети затравили девочку и довели до самоубийства

> Good for you. Unfortunately, parental controls couldn’t keep 12-year-old Gabbie Green from killing herself after being cyberbullied by kids on several social media platforms and messaging apps.

3. Временным контент. Контент удаляется через время автоматически: сториз, чаты в Snap— невозможно следить, что приходит в личные сообщения детям и что они отправляют другим. Нет родительского контроля

> There are no “parental controls” for Snapchat, Instagram, Musical.ly, Facebook, Kik, nor do they exist on messaging apps like Marco Polo, or Yellow, or SayAt.me, or Monkey. The list goes on and on. And no, you can’t always review what your kid says (or what’s said to your kid) because most of it can be deleted or deletes itself directly after transmission.

4. Онлайн 24/7. Дети могут написать друг-другу в любое время, направить на плохие действия

> Question: do you want my kid to have access to your kid 24/7?

Good. Because I don’t want your kid having that kind of access to my kid either. Tweens and teens have an underdeveloped frontal cortex. They’re impulsive and self-centered. They make terrible decisions and they can be meaner than a bull shark.

5. Дети как сексуальные объекты. Воспринимают свое тело как инструмент привлечения фоловеров

> The worst thing is watching little kids (as young as eight) sexually objectify themselves.

6. Подборки неудач в ютубе. Существуют подборки плохих видео из Musical.ly — дополнительное давление на детей, использование чужих неудач для самоутверждения

> Worse, their “cringe-worthy” lip sync may be immortalized in “Musical.ly Cringe Compilation” videos on YouTube. Some of these cringe compilations have upwards of five million views. My heart hurts not only for the exploited children, but for all kids who scroll Musical.ly (or YouTube) and see this kind of ugly play out.

7. Грубая речь. Дети используют ненормативную лексику и «взрослые» слова — ставят сексуальные ники, хештеги и выкладывают по ним видео

> There’s code language that gets past Musical.ly’s filters. Some kids hashtag their videos with words like thot — shorthand for That Ho Over There — or fgirl, hottie, sxy, whooty, or sin.

8. Насилие. В Musical.ly есть хештеги, по которым дети выкладывают видео, где они себя бьют, где у них течет кровь, где дети режут себя

> There are #killingstalking musical.lys, which are dark-themed (artistic? emo?) videos showing boys putting knives to girls’ throats. There are #selfharm videos that show suicide options — bathtubs filling, images of blades, a child’s voice saying she doesn’t want to live any more. I saw a boy with a bleeding chest (yes, real blood). I saw a young girl whose thighs were so cut up I had to take a break from writing this article. A long break. The images are deeply upsetting. There are #cutter and #triggerwarning and #anorexic videos. Musers with eating disorders hashtag videos using proana (code for pro anorexia.) I found over eleven thousand #selfhate videos. It goes on and on. Each hashtag is its own magical wardrobe, a portal into a world where it’s always winter but never Christmas. It’s Narnia minus Aslan. Who then will save the children? Apparently, other children.

9. Теги на тему смерти. Дети стараются помочь другим детям в сложных ситуациях на видео по хештегу суицид. А помощь должна быть профессиональной

> Their effort might seem beautiful, hopeful even, but it isn’t. A child stepping into the darkness of another child is not beautiful, it’s wrong. I saw this comment beneath a #suicide video: “u r beautiful plz dont kill urself im only 10 but i will b ur friend.” Kids should be watching witty cartoons, riding bikes, making slime, doing art, playing Minecraft, learning chess, and boring us with bad magic tricks. They shouldn’t be stopping other kids from killing themselves.

10. Самоугнетание. По тегу неудачник или урод дети выкладывают видео где выплескивают ненависть к самим себе

> For others, it’s a living hell of self-hate. Zero notifications. Zero new followers. The absence of love — the kind so readily given to other kids via thousands of followers, likes, and hearts — is hard evidence: The world thinks I’m a loser. These are the kids who hashtag their own face with the word ugly. The world, of course, is oblivious. But to kids with an online identity, the rejection feels global.

11. Метрики как повод нелюбить себя. Дети расстариваются, что у них нет фловеров и что у них плохая фигура

> How many “Likes” is that self worth? How many followers? A kid learns quickly and harshly that their value is determined by a number. A negative thought pattern is inevitable: Everyone else has more followers. Everyone else has more likes. I posted yesterday and only two people have liked it. Studies show that girls as young as 10 struggle with body image and suffer from anxiety while using Instagram.

P. S. Как максимально дешево решить проблемы выше?

by Anastasia Basil
