May 5

From intrigue in The Open League to the essentials inside Ton Raffles

Namely, how we will upgrade Fairlaunch in May. And yes, let's finally bring OOIA out of the shadows.

We've already gained a launchpad’s reputation. Some say that Ton Raffles is the TOP-1 launchpad on the TON blockchain. We are pleased in this title, but still, for the platform that we are building, the definition is a bit narrow. Ton Raffles is a no-code service that allows any user of the TON blockchain to build their own ecosystem. This can be done by our products: locks, stakings, mass-sender, airdrops, token minter.

It turns out that it is not a single launchpad. But now, anyway, it is this product that projects need the most.

And now a response to comments from the series «What a sCaM does Ton Raffles post, where is the verification of projects ay???».

Fairlaunch is not our invention. The technology was borrowed from other blockchains and the rules of operation are similar:

  1. Prior to the token's listing on the DEX, only the fairlaunch smart-contract and Locks smart-contracts own assets. This is the only way to guarantee 100% that the token will be put on the DEX with the correct rate that was formed at the end of the launch.
  2. At least 51% of the raised funds are allocated to liquidity.
  3. The listing takes place on our side. At the same time, token administrators do not even touch liquidity, after which it is locked for at least 1 year.

Thus, in this way, we provide a product with basic security settings at the smart contract level. And what happens to the project's tokens after entering the DEX is not only none of our business, but also not our responsibility.

But let's share a piece of advice. Always pay attention to the Lock list. If there are token locks that are unlocked immediately after the end of Fairlaunch, there is a risk of the token sale by the administrator.

What kind of Fairlaunch update have we prepared?

1. The Hard Cap feature will be available. This is the raised fees upon reaching which the sale will end automatically.

The Ton Raffles team believes that this is not the best solution, because with a known maximum price, the launch may become unfair, and administrators will be able to conduct hidden private rounds. When researching projects, pay attention to launches without Hard Cap.

2. Introduction of cancellation of participation in Fairlaunch. If you suddenly don't understand something or don't want to participate in the launch, you will have the opportunity to return the assets without penalties.

3. Automatic start-up. A special page will be added, thanks to which any of the users will be able to fill out a clear form and immediately deploy Fairlaunch, which will be displayed on our platform. Read more about this below.

4. You can also expect launches in USDT, which will allow you to form more stable pools.

5. Affiliate Program. Honest launches should have an honest affiliate program. From now on, a separate affiliate pool will be formed, replenished with each purchase (regardless of whether by invitation or not). This pool will be divided by the participants of the affiliate program according to their share.

Let's give you an example of how the affiliate program will work.

Let's say the launch raise is 100 TON and the 5% affiliate program is enabled. Then, absolutely 5% of each purchase will go to the affiliate pool in the amount of 5 TON, respectively. If it happens that there are no participants in the affiliate program, then these 5 TON will go to the administrators of the token (launch). If any of the users becomes a member of the affiliate program and invites their friend to make an investment of 10 TON, then the partner's reward will be:

Raise Amount: 110 TON
5% affiliate program: 5.5 TON
The first participant of the affiliate program will receive the entire 5.5 TON pool.

After the second participant joins the affiliate program, the share distribution will begin to operate.
For example, if this participant invited a friend who made an investment of 20 TON, then the reward for affiliates would be as follows:

Raise Amount: 130 TON
5% affiliate program: 6.5 TON
First participant of the affiliate program (10 TON friend's investment): ~2.16 TON
Second participant of the affiliate program (friend's investment 20 TON): ~4.33 TON

The team has already started testing the functionality.

Release date of all updates: next week

How will the auto-start work?

Here's what the auto-start algorithm looks like:

  1. User creates a token, for example, here ->
  2. Then you need to create Locks according to the tokenomics of the project, but save tokens for sale and tokens for listing ->
  3. Visit the new page, fill out the form for the launch and deploy the smart-contract. After the required amount of tokens is deposited to the smart-contract — the launch will be displayed on the site in the section ->
  4. Now you just need to wait for the launch to complete, after which the selected DEX will automatically be listed when filling out the form, and the rest goes to the wallet that was deployed by the smart-contract (that is the user's wallet).

Why is it reliable and safe?

The Fairlaunch smart-contract, after the launch is complete, sends the assets to the DEX-router smart-contract, which performs an automatic listing. And the resulting LP-token is locked in the Locks smart-contract. In this way, each party automatically receives its assets in a decentralized manner without third-party interference.

Why might it be unsafe?

We don't know what's on the minds of token administrators. And now the launch will be even easier, so carefully study each project you invest in. As you may have already understood, we can provide a basic set of rules at the blockchain level and make everything as secure as possible, but the development of the project and its fate lies entirely on the shoulders of the administrators.

And now there will be a lot of paragraphs about OOIA.

This is an NFT marketplace that has not yet left the beta stage. We helped the team dive into the TON blockchain, learn standards, and establish contacts in the ecosystem, however...

Bullrun happened. And it didn't just affect a TON. On Solana, there are more X's, more movement, and you need to code what the «former» OOIA team already knows how to do. Therefore, they focused on projects on this blockchain. And the development of the marketplace has faded into the background. At the same time, the Ton Raffles team had no influence on this process and could only recommend speeding up the launch of the project. As a result, we have what we have, namely a whole set of developments:

  1. fixed sale (you can edit the price without removing the sale, you do not need to attach 1 TON to transactions and you can sell for tokens);
  2. NFT shopping cart;
  3. NFT lending between users (p2p, choose the best offer in TON or tokens for a period that is comfortable for you);
  4. and in addition, a cool and user-friendly design.

Point with an asterisk: all these developments were implemented by the Ton Raffles team as executors.

Now exhale! We bought back part of the OOIA.

It was long. It was hard. It was expensive. But now we have more rights in the development of the project.

We have already gained access to all the repositories with the code, studied it, and started strengthening the project team. And for the holders not to have to wait for a long time, along with the update, a new format for working with NFTs will be released on Ton Raffles as part of the OOIA relaunch — raFFFles. Instead of a classic NFT sale, we suggest adding a little luck, drive, and profit!

How will it work?

  1. Select an available NFT.
  2. Specify the price of one ticket and the number of tickets.
  3. As soon as the raFFles expires or the required number of tickets is purchased, an automatic NFT draw will take place (an anonymous number for 1 TON? easy!)

We will pay special attention to ensure that the OOIA NFT PASS utilities bring maximum benefit to each holder.

If you are a cool specialist and see yourself in the new OOIA team — write to [email protected]

What is even better, you can participate in the first hackathon from Ton Raffles, which will be held in Batumi (Georgia) on May 25-26, details on our resources very soon!