January 10, 2021


Last updated January 10, 2021
It is important that you read and understand this Risk Warning Statement (“Risk Warning Statement”) before accepting it. Before starting to utilize our System, you should understand that investment and trading on various markets pertain certain risks. This Risk Warning Statement cannot and does not disclose all risks and other aspects related to our System or utilizing our System.
NO ADVICE For the avoidance of doubt, the Company does not provide any investment advice regarding any instruments traded through its System or otherwise. The Company may provide information on the price, range, volatility of certain instruments, but this is not considered an investment advice and should not be construed as such. Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices, or other information contained in the System are provided as general market commentary, and do not constitute investment advice.
MARKET RISK The market for various instruments may be volatile and uncertain. It is important that you comprehend the risks associated with trading on a market as fluctuations in the price of the underlying market may have an effect on the profitability of the trade. You should monitor positions on your User Account at all times, as you are solely responsible for this. We are not responsible for monitoring positions on your User Account. You should bear in mind that any past performance, simulation or prediction is not indicative of future performance. Therefore, you cannot and must not make any assumptions as to future performance based on any past performance, simulation or prediction. Some of the instruments may not become immediately liquid as a result of reduced demand, and you may not be able to obtain the information on its value or the extent of the associated risks. Under certain trading conditions it may be difficult or impossible to liquidate a position at all. You should be aware that the Company makes no representations or warranties about whether a certain instrument that may be traded through the System may be traded through the System at any point in the future, if at all. You should realize that you may lose all your initial investments and, in some cases, you may also incur losses that exceed your initial investments.
RISK ATTRIBUTABLE TO USING TECHNOLOGY There are certain risks attributable to utilizing an Internet-based software including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware, software, Internet connections, computer viruses and cyberattacks. You acknowledge that the Company shall not be responsible for any communication failures, disruptions, errors, distortions or delays you may experience when using our System. While trading through our System errors might occur. You should be aware of the risks that may result from any System failure which could mean that your order may be delayed or fail. You may be prevented from sending a transaction request, or your transaction request or email may not be received by the Company or the System, due to hardware, software or Services issues (including, without limitation, Internet and other network connectivity issues). Unauthorized third parties may access or use your User Account and effect transactions without your knowledge or authorization, whether by obtaining the password to your User Account, obtaining control over another device or account used by you in connection with any enhanced security measures enabled for your account, or by other methods.
LEGAL RISKS Some legal risks are attributed to instruments traded through our System. You are responsible for knowing and understanding how various instruments you trade will be addressed, regulated, and taxed under applicable law. Tax treatment of your trading activities may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and depends on your individual circumstances. It may also be subject to change in future. It is your responsibility to fairly and promptly report all your income associated with your activity using the System pursuant to Applicable Law and pay any and all taxes and fees imposed thereon. You should be aware that the Company is not a tax agent. Some of the financial instruments may be differently construed by law in various jurisdictions. Moreover, their treatment by law in the same jurisdiction may be subject to change. Changes in taxation and other laws, government, fiscal, monetary and regulatory policies may have a material adverse effect on your dealings with various financial instruments.
COMMISSIONS AND OTHER CHARGES Before you begin to trade, you should make yourself aware of all commissions and other charges for which you will be liable. If any charges are not expressed in monetary terms (but, for example, as a percentage of contract value), you should ensure that you understand the true monetary value of the charges.
CURRENCY RISK You should be aware that financial instruments denominated in currencies other than your home currency have the additional risk associated with currency fluctuations. You should know how various risk factors can affect your trading strategies and how other market and risk factors can affect your investments and seek advice of a qualified attorney or independent financial adviser before deciding whether our Services and System are suitable for you.