June 14, 2022

📣 Our Trading Team's Story

Our trading team's story

🤔 Who are we and why is our trading team doing this?

This question is asked of us frequently…

😄 Initially, me and my team of professional investors found each other back in 2015. We met at a Dubai conference and strengthened our partnership at the after party.

😁 The fun part is that none of us was either investing already, or even interested in starting to do so in the near future. We thought that it was a sign to do something together.

🤠 We were not born to poor families, but we really wanted to get rich. Thus, we had some capital to start with.

😮 Firstly, we were discussing only huge investments in global companies. We thought that this was going to be the right way to start making real money. However, we lost a lot of our savings on the first two projects we decided to invest in…

🥲 We were not planning to give up! So we started examining trading platforms in order to learn more about predicting the price of any company or asset.

😏 Slowly things improved and we began making profits on our predictions. As a matter of fact, we switched our focus from big investments to fast & fixed time trades.

😇 In 2019 we formed almost the perfect trading strategy for short periods. But, most of our life goals were already completed at that time and we decided to make something special.

🤑 As a result, we started creating groups of like minded people who were interested in money making and enhancing their lives. Thus, we started helping others to earn together with us.

😎 Like no one else on the internet - we don’t teach our clients to analyze the market, we do it for them. And the reason behind it is that we don’t really want to bring light on our analysis strategy. The only thing you need to do is to copy our trading signals - simple as that!

Of course we have our own benefits, because why else should we do this?

🤓 First of all, we really like to work with people, bringing them together and helping as much as we can. Secondly, we get a % for each client who trades with us. In other words, the broker pays us for upcoming registrations and trader’s profits.

🥳 To conclude, we’ve created the perfect win-win model, where we can benefit from all clients by helping them to earn. Let’s GO!!!