ICT Терминология, Сокращения
BSL - buyside liquidity
SSL - sellside liquidity
EQH - equal highs
EQL - equal lows
PDH - previous day high
PDL - previous day low
HTF - high timeframe
LTF - low timeframe
MSB - market structure break
STH - short term high
STL - short term low
ITH - intermediate term high
ITL - intermediate term low
LTH - long term high
LTL - long term low
IDM - inducement
FVG - fair value gap
OB - order block
BB - breaker block
SMT - smart money technique
OTE - optimal trade entry
PD - premium discount
BISI - buyside imbalance sellside inefficiency
SIBI - sellside imbalance buyside inefficiency
MMBM - market maker buy model
MMSM - market maker sell model
IOF - institutional order flow
DOL - draw on liquidity
POI - point of interest
CE - consequent encroachment
PO3 - power of three
KZ - killzone