Tufting Time
We need to implement all this 4 recommendations in each dialog in all social media!
1) Try to reply fast(as soon as person message). In 5 minutes is be perfect!
2) ALWAYS try to build a conversation like with your friend. NO short answers to the questions if it's possible, try to answer more and explaing in details! Always send photos or videos when needed!!!(so they can see all the differents rugs and design)
I hope that Vee, Lala and all team are kind persons! And I know that you are. But all those people from ads do not know anything about us. So the point is always reply kindly and really try to help - ask more questions about what they want and educate them about our workshop(cause they have to know that we don not sell just rugs!!!, we sell experience, joy and a way to spend time, to reax!!!).
3) Use personalisation if possible! It means use the name of the person if you see it on Instagram or WhatsApp. (When you call person by the name it's always better).
THE MOST IMPORTANT PART how to convert more people:
4) Follow up even if they don't anwer for couple of you messages. It means to write them again(ask questions) with only one goal - to make them reply. Because they had a strong intent and they write us firstly. We did not bothered people - they wrote us first! That's why now we need to write them again. Because very often people is beasy and just can forget. (it seems obvious, BUT I see it very often when we have a lot of conversation on instagram, receptionists just forget to follow up with all people who wrote 1-2 days ago.)
4.1) If the person stops replying to us, after 1-2 days you have to write a message to follow up based on a previous conversation or ask them if they want to see more designs, so you can send them more photos and videos?
So if someone write us, ask some questions and stops repying - after 1-2 days you have to follow up with EVERY SINGLE PERSON who stops replying. Just with one small message based on a previous conversation or ask them if they want to see more designs.
If this person does not reply to this message, than you move to step 4.2:
4.2) EVERY SINGLE WEEK. 1 time per week(for example: on Thursday, Friday and Saturday). You have to send a nice edited video(video that shos studio inside, how people do tufting our satisfied clients with rugs, etc.) OR any nice video post from our instagram profile to ALL people that messaged us earlier and stoped replying.
So very important - you DO NOT ask any questions any more.
You just send a video post or just nice edited video.
You just send a video post or a video + write some short message (for example: "I wish you to have a nice weekends!๐" or "I wish you to enjoy your time coming weekends!
And just a reminder for you that our team will be happy to see you!๐" or anything like this. But not too pushy!)
You have to do it EVERY week to ALL people who stop replying.