September 9

#yangilik #новость #news

Javohir Miraliyev “Asia Cup International Law Moot Court Competition” xalqaro musobaqasida “The Best Applicant Oralist” deb e’tirof etildi

Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti jamoasi “Asia Cup International Law Moot Court Competition” xalqaro musobaqasida muvaffaqiyatli ishtirok etdi.

Bunda jamoaning “Da’vogar” uchun yozgan memorandumi 66 ta jamoa orasida 5-o‘rinni, “Javobgar” uchun yozgan memorandumi 4-o‘rinni egalladi.

Jamoa a’zosi Javohir Miraliyev xalqaro musobaqada “The Best Applicant Oralist” nominatsiyasi g‘olibi deb topildi.


Жавохир Миралиев признан «The Best Applicant Oralist» на Asia Cup International Law Moot Court Competition

Команда Ташкентского государственного юридического университета приняла успешное участие в международном конкурсе «Asia Cup International Law Moot Court Competition».

Меморандум, написанный командой для «Истца», занял 5-е место среди 66 команд, а меморандум, написанный для «Ответчика», – 4-е место.

Член команды Жавохир Миралиев признан победителем в номинации «The Best Applicant Oralist» на международном конкурсе.


Javokhir Miraliev was recognized as "The Best Applicant Oralist" at the Asia Cup International Law Moot Court Competition

The team from Tashkent State University of Law successfully participated in the international "Asia Cup International Law Moot Court Competition".

The memorandum written by the team for the "Claimant" ranked 5th out of 66 teams, and the memorandum written for the "Respondent" secured 4th place.

Team member Javokhir Miraliyev was awarded the title of "The Best Applicant Oralist" at the international competition.

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