#tadbir #мероприятие #event
“Targ‘ibot poyezdi” loyihasiga start berildi
Xabaringiz bor, Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti faol talabalari tomonidan mamlakatimiz ijtimoiy siyosiy hayotidagi o‘zgarishlar, konstitutsiyaviy islohotlarning mazmun-mohiyatini fuqarolarga yetkazish, ularning huquqiy bilimlarini oshirish maqsadida “Targ‘ibot poyezdi” loyihasini yo‘lga qo‘yish taklifi ilgari surilgan edi.
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Adliya vazirligi va boshqa tashkilotlar ko‘magida mazkur loyihaga start berildi.
Loyiha doirasida universitet professor-o‘qituvchilari va talabalaridan iborat targ‘ibot guruhlari shakllantirilib, har bir hudud bo‘yicha biriktirildi.
Ayni paytda targ‘ibot guruhi a’zolari uchun seminarlar tashkil etilmoqda.
Mashg‘ulotlar konstitutsiyaviy komissiya a’zolari, universitet professor-o‘qituvchilari va tajribali targ‘ibotchilar tomonidan olib borilmoqda.
Shu bilan birga targ‘ibot guruhi a’zolari uchun huquqiy targ‘ibot tadbirlarini o‘tkazish bo‘yicha amaliy ko‘nikmalarga ega bo‘lish imkoniyati yaratilmoqda.
Targ‘ibot guruhi a’zolari joriy yilning 25-martidan boshlab hududlarga huquqiy targ‘ibot ishlarini amalga oshirish uchun yo‘l oladi.
Стартовал проект «Поезд пропаганды»
Как вы знаете, активисты Ташкентского государственного юридического университета предложили запустить проект «Поезд пропаганды» с целью донесения до граждан сути изменений в общественно-политической жизни нашей страны, конституционных реформ, повышения их правовых знаний.
Данный проект запущен при поддержке Министерства юстиции Республики Узбекистан и других организаций.
В рамках проекта были сформированы и прикреплены к каждому региону пропагандистские группы, состоящие из преподавателей и студентов университета.
В данный момент организуются семинары для членов пропагандистской группы.
Тренинги проводят члены конституционной комиссии, преподаватели университета, опытные пропагандисты.
Вместе с тем, для членов группы создается возможность получения практических навыков проведения мероприятий.
С 25 марта текущего года члены группы выезжают в регионы для проведения правовой-пропагандистской работы.
The project "Targ'ibot poyezdi" has been launched
As you know, activists of Tashkent State University of Law proposed to launch the project "Targ'ibot poyezdi" in order to convey to citizens the essence of changes in the socio-political life of our country, constitutional reforms, and increase their legal knowledge.
This project was launched with the support of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other organizations.
Within the framework of the project, propaganda groups consisting of university teachers and students were formed and attached to each region.
Seminars are currently being organized for members of the advocacy group.
Trainings are conducted by members of the constitutional commission, university teachers, and experienced propagandists.
At the same time, an opportunity is created for the members of the group to gain practical skills in conducting events.
Since March 25 of this year, members of the group have been traveling to the regions to conduct legal and propaganda work.
Propagandists of the “Propaganda Train” project are sent to the regions
As you know, on November 28, the Ministry of Justice, together with Tashkent State University of Law, is launching the “Propaganda Train” project, aimed at widely promoting the content of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan among the population, especially young people, and increasing the constitutional and legal knowledge of our citizens.
Starting today, project participants began traveling to the regions to organize propaganda events.
For information, after the organizers of the project announce the selection of student volunteers. 598 students registered to participate in the "Propaganda Train" project and 126 of them were selected to participate in the project based on an interview.
"Propaganda Train" helps strengthen the constitutional knowledge of the population, especially young people
As you know, on November 28, the “Propaganda Train” project was launched under the slogan "We will building a New Uzbekistan together!” On the first day of the project, propagandists began to hold events aimed at increasing the legal, in particular, constitutional literacy of the population, especially young people, in educational institutions and various organizations.
Groups educate the youth about the nature of our basic Constitution and also conduct various quizzes and contests to test their knowledge.
Activities within the framework of the "Propaganda Train" project continue.
126 student volunteers were selected for the project "Propaganda Train"
As you know, on November 28, the Ministry of Justice, together with Tashkent State University of Law, launched the “Propaganda Train” project, aimed at widely promoting the content of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan among the population, especially young people, and increasing the constitutional and legal knowledge of our citizens.
After the project organizers announced the selection of student volunteers to participate in the “Propaganda Train,” 598 students have been registered.
Thus, 126 students were selected based on the results of the interview.
Now specialists will conduct master classes and training seminars for selected students.
Moreover, the organizers of the project selected and appointed 14 teachers as leaders of propaganda groups.