August 20

#hamkorlik #сотрудничество #cooperation

Sardor Mamanazarov Latviyada ilmiy stajirovka o‘tamoqda

Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti Kadrlar bo‘limi boshlig‘i, Xalqaro xususiy huquq kafedrasi dotsenti v.b. Sardor Mamanazarov Yevropa Ittifoqining tadqiqot va innovatsiyalar bo‘yicha HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01 “Precarious Labour in Asia: Exploring Challenges and Solution to Labour Insecurity through Case-Study-Based Evidence from 8 Asian Countries (Project 101129940 — PRELAB)” loyihasi doirasida 1 oylik stajirovka o‘tash uchun Latviya universiteti (University of Latvia)ga tashrif buyurdi.

Mazkur tashrif doirasida ilmiy-amaliy seminarlarda ishtirok etish, o‘quv mashg‘ulotlari o‘tkazish, professor-o‘qituvchilar bilan o‘zaro hamkorlikda ilmiy maqolalar chop etish masalalarini muhokama qilish, axborot-resurs markazlarida mavjud o‘quv, o‘quv-uslubiy va ilmiy materiallar bilan tanishib chiqish ko‘zda tutilgan.

Ma’lumot uchun: Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti Yevropa Ittifoqining tadqiqot va innovatsiyalar bo‘yicha HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01 “Precarious Labour in Asia: Exploring Challenges and Solution to Labour Insecurity through Case-Study-Based Evidence from 8 Asian Countries (Project 101129940 — PRELAB)” loyihasida YI ning qator ta’lim va ilmiy-tadqiqot muassasalari — University of Latvia (Latviya), Dublin City University (Irlandiya), Universitatea din Bucuresti (Ruminiya), Partnere ne zgjidhje dhe zhvillim (Albania), Sveuciliste u Zagrebu (Xorvatiya), Universitat Bremen (Germaniya), Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgiya) bilan bir qatorda hamkor tashkilot sifatida ishtirok etib kelyapti.


Сардор Маманазаров проходит научную стажировку в Латвии

Начальник отдела кадров Ташкентского государственного юридического университета, и.о. доцента кафедры международного частного права Сардор Маманазаров в рамках проекта Европейского Союза по исследованиям и инновациям HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01 «Precarious Labour in Asia: Exploring Challenges and Solution to Labour Insecurity through Case-Study-Based Evidence from 8 Asian Countries (Project 101129940 — PRELAB)» посетил Латвийский университет (University of Latvia) для прохождения месячной стажировки.

В рамках данного визита предусмотрено участие в научно-практических семинарах, проведение занятий, обсуждение вопросов публикации научных статей в сотрудничестве с преподавателями, ознакомление с учебными, учебно-методическими и научными материалами в Информационно-ресурсных центрах.

Для информации: Ташкентский государственный юридический университет участвует в проекте Европейского Союза по исследованиям и инновациям HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01 «Precarious Labour in Asia: Exploring Challenges and Solution to Labour Insecurity through Case-Study-Based Evidence from 8 Asian Countries (Project 101129940 — PRELAB)» в качестве организации-партнера наряду с образовательными и научно-исследовательскими учреждениями ЕС — University of Latvia (Латвия), Dublin City University (Ирландия), Universitatea din Bucuresti (Румыния), Partnere ne zgjidhje dhe zhvillim (Албания), Sveuciliste u Zagrebu (Хорватия), Universitat Bremen (Германия), Universiteit Antwerpen (Бельгия).


Sardor Mamanazarov undergoes research internship in Latvia

Sardor Mamanazarov, the head of the Human Resources Department at Tashkent State University of Law and Acting Associate Professor of the Department of International Private Law, visited the University of Latvia for a one-month internship as part of the European Union’s Horizon-MSCA-2022-SE-01 research and innovation project, “Precarious Labour in Asia: Exploring Challenges and Solutions to Labour Insecurity through Case-Study-Based Evidence from 8 Asian Countries (Project 101129940 — PRELAB).”

During this visit, Mamanazarov is scheduled to participate in scientific and practical seminars, conduct lectures, discuss the publication of scientific articles in collaboration with faculty members, and familiarize with educational, methodological, and scientific materials in the Information Resource Centers.

For reference: Tashkent State University of Law is a partner organization in the European Union's Horizon-MSCA-2022-SE-01 research and innovation project, “Precarious Labour in Asia: Exploring Challenges and Solutions to Labour Insecurity through Case-Study-Based Evidence from 8 Asian Countries (Project 101129940 — PRELAB),” alongside educational and research institutions in the EU — the University of Latvia (Latvia), Dublin City University (Ireland), Universitatea din Bucuresti (Romania), Partnere ne zgjidhje dhe zhvillim (Albania), Sveuciliste u Zagrebu (Croatia), Universitat Bremen (Germany), and Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium).

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