July 23

#yangilik #новость #news

TDYU rektori v.v.b. Islambek Rustambekov hammuallifligida xalqaro investitsiya huquqi va energiyaga o‘tishga bag‘ishlangan kitob chop etildi

Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti rektori v.v.b, yuridik fanlar doktori, professor Islambek Rustambekov Buyuk Britaniyaning “Bloomsbury Publishing” nashriyoti tomonidan chop etilgan “Xalqaro investitsiya huquqi va energiyaga o‘tish” kitobining hammuallifi bo‘ldi.

Professor I. Rustambekov tomonidan mazkur kitobning “The Intersection of Human Rights and the Energy Transition: Exploring the Social Dimensions of the Energy Transition and the Potential Impact on Vulnerable Communities” deb nomlangan bobi yozildi.

Batafsil: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/international-investment-law-and-the-energy-transition-9781509983223/


Врио ректора ТГЮУ Исламбек Рустамбеков стал соавтором книги, посвященной международному инвестиционному праву и энергетическому переходу

Врио ректора Ташкентского государственного юридического университета, доктор юридических наук, профессор Исламбек Рустамбеков стал соавтором книги «International Investment Law and the Energy Transition» («Международное инвестиционное право и энергетический переход»), опубликованной британским издательством Bloomsbury Publishing.

Профессор И.Рустамбеков написал главу под названием «The Intersection of Human Rights and the Energy Transition: Exploring the Social Dimensions of the Energy Transition and the Potential Impact on Vulnerable Communities».

Подробнее: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/international-investment-law-and-the-energy-transition-9781509983223/


The Acting Rector of TSUL, Islambek Rustambekov, became a co-author of a book on International Investment Law and Energy Transition

The Acting Rector of Tashkent State University of Law, Doctor of Law, Professor Islambek Rustambekov, became a co-author of the book "International Investment Law and the Energy Transition," published by the British publisher Bloomsbury Publishing.

Professor I. Rustambekov wrote a chapter titled "The Intersection of Human Rights and the Energy Transition: Exploring the Social Dimensions of the Energy Transition and the Potential Impact on Vulnerable Communities."

More: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/international-investment-law-and-the-energy-transition-9781509983223/

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