March 13, 2023

Goracle Node Guide

Server Requirements (VPS)

  • Cpu: 1-2 cores
  • Ram: 4gb
  • Storage: 10gb SSD
  • Fast Internet
  • Ubuntu: 20.04+


1. Init Goracle Node

sudo wget -qO /usr/bin/goracle && sudo chmod u+x /usr/bin/goracle
goracle init

Cli output Example:


  • Continue? [y/N]?
  • Use Algonode Algorand API service (recommended)? [Y/n]?
answer Y both 1st and 2nd time


  • Enter Algonode API auth token or press enter for free-tier default:
Press Enter


  • Enter your main Algorand account address:

1. Go to, connect with your wallet and copy the address (highlighted on screenshot)

2. And paste it in terminal:

3. Then press Enter.

1.4 Register your participation address

1. Open the participation address registration link in your browser. The link is highlighted on screenshot:

2. The page should look like this (you may need to connect your Pera wallet again):

3. Press Register (green button).

4. Confirm transactions in your wallet (for Pera you should check your mobile app)

If you get the following error after you have confirmed the transactions, please check that you've enabled pop-ups and you have Algos in your wallet (faucet).

Then you will need to top up (use the faucet) for your participation address (highlighted on screenshot)

The next step is only for those who have received their access codes. If you haven't, just skip it, you'll still be able to install the node and relay the feeds, but won't participate in the consensus. You will also still complete "Run A Node" task.

1.5 Stake tokens (requires access code)

1. Press "Get Test Gora"

2. Paste your code

3. Add stake

Then confirm your actions in the wallet and you will see that your stake has increased:

1.6 Last step! Return to the terminal and press Enter.

2. Install docker

bash <(wget -qO-

You should see similar output (there can be a lot more output lines, it's ok):

3. Run the node

goracle docker-start --background

4. Check the logs

docker logs -f goracle-nr
Press Ctrl+c to exit logs

Great! You have successfully set up a Goracle Node! Hooray!!!


goracle update


If you have an error that looks like this

Or like that

You should change your Algorand Node Api endpoint.

For that:

1. Register at PureStake

2. Get your PureStake Api Key

3. In your terminal run

nano ~/.goracle

You will see something like this:

You will need to change that file so it looks like this:

Where the highlighted key is YOUR ACTUAL PURESTAKE API KEY.

So, you should delete the first two lines from the initial file and add these three instead:

    "authKey": "YOUR_KEY",
    "server": "",
    "authHeader": "x-api-key",
When you're done press Ctrl+x, then Y, then Enter.

After that run

goracle docker-stop && goracle docker-start --background

And check the logs with logs command.