June 19

The Beacon

The Beacon - Play-to-Earn game on Arbitrum from Treasure DAO.

Key points right away: Arbitrum is one of the top ecosystems in web3 and one hundred percent they will grow and develop it. The Beacon has already received a grant from Arbitrum, which indicates support for the game from the ecosystem. There are also partnerships with many other popular web3 games and projects. On Twitter the project has 230+k followers with a good twitter score and a large number of popular subscribers. The investment is not too great, 3 million, but this does not play a big role here, it's enough for development, but support from the ecosystem is much more important.

Grant from Arbitrum for 200k $ARB. These coins will be divided among participants in the game's The New Frontiers Quests event.
The New Frontiers Quests began on June 10th and will last exactly 3 weeks. During this event, we can get $ARB and WL tokens for mint of The Writ of Passage NFT. The Writ of Passage NFT gives us a pass to the next phases of the game, allocation of project tokens, as well as various unique rewards. There are some keys that the game will be released soon, but as we know, things can vary. We are interested in the NFT itself and the possibility of selling it for good money.

Referral link, you get +100 prestige points

Not a ref link

For the game we will need:

  • Twitter acc (minimal 25 subscribers)
  • Discord acc
  • Ideally, at least a minimally warmed wallet (to avoid sybil tag)

The event itself consists of completing various quests and receiving Prestige Points, which increase our level (thereby increasing our chances of receiving WL) and give us chests.

Chests contain:

  • Medallions. Medallions will be converted into project tokens in the future. The higher the quality of the medallion, the more tokens it will be converted into.
  • Prestige Points. The same points that we receive for completing tasks. These points will allow us to open more chests and also increase our level. Depending on the rarity of the reward, we may receive 100/200/500/1000 points.
  • $ARB Tokens. Arbitrum tokens from the grant mentioned above. Depending on the rarity of the reward, we may receive 10/50/100/1000 $ARB.
  • Cosmetic items (Shimmering Skyblades and Abyssal Shroud). These items are exclusive to the event and cannot be obtained in any other way.

Cosmetic items and Arbitrum tokens will become available after the end of the event. Medallions will be converted into tokens before the TGE, the timing of which is still unknown.

The event includes 3 quest lines.

  1. The main line contains easy quests related to social activity. You need to link Twitter, repost, link discord, etc. Completing this line is necessary in order to qualify for WL to mint NFT.
  2. The story line (top line) includes simple missions related to moving around the map and communicating with various NPCs. Missions are completed very easily.
  3. The battle line (bottom line) consists of combat missions in which you need to clear a dungeon or kill a boss. The most time-consuming line, but if you get the hang of it, you can quickly clear/run through locations.

Also recently launched a raffle on WL for The Writ of Passage NFT on GAM3S. 300 WL are up for grabs. The requirements are almost the same as in the game, you just need to additionally go to the platform’s discord and subscribe to their Twitter.

Briefly speaking. The plan is simple. While I didn’t plan to do it with software, we just sit down ourselves and speedrun the quests using Ads Power or optionally we delegate it to our sister brothers nephews etc. The activity is free, pay just either with your time or whatever you pay for the "workers" time. We take the WLs, we get money. Not main a priority activity but accounts will be made here since the upside is very good.