Case study: how we made $467,300 in revenue on Shopify with $136,500
With the help of painstaking management and a well-developed strategy! But that answer won't satisfy you, will it? I'm sure not, so all the details and numbers are on.
This is one of my largest western projects, which we took on during the hot period of Q4 sales. Three golden months (October-December), when the monthly revenue can match or even exceed the revenue for all the previous few previous months!
Accordingly, there are even more risks and responsibility for the result. Let me remind you that the advertising budget is $136,500. Niche: accessories for upholstered furniture
Plus to this: a premium segment product with an average check of $170. The cycle of making a user's decision to purchase is 5-7 days.
An important requirement of the client was not to break what works. Those who have worked with e-com know that the “Company Structure” is important here, so it was the first challenge to make a hybrid structure of the companies of the previous contractor and the inclusion of new companies.
The first is not to touch what already works well. The second is to set the bar higher by adding missing points and improving previous results.
1️. Worked out a hybrid strategy and improved remarketing campaigns
2️. We built relevant communication with the client at each stage of the funnel (which was most lacking in the previous settings)
3️. Increased incoming traffic with the help of 3 cold audiences: Look a like, wide and by interests
We increase the advertising budget to 55K ($1700 per day). A week before Black Friday, we are faced with “deferred demand” (yes, I wouldn’t buy anything myself, knowing that discounts are on the nose). And on black Friday, in one day we sell $40,000
Bottom line: we end the month with the result:
Increased payback and increased sales.
There was a very sharp decline in conversions, the problem with data tracking has not yet been resolved. Therefore, we analyzed the data only for the cabinet. A week later, all the data was pulled up, and we were able to draw final conclusions about which advertising campaigns were the most effective.
The data was obtained excluding IOS 14 users, whom the Facebook API cannot track.
Conversion value (by cabinet): $467,300
We use exactly the same strategy for all our clients. Write to me if you want to improve the performance of your business or have a goal to bring your business to the US and European markets.
What chips were used to achieve results:
Life hack 1. Used Dynamic Retargeting
2. Adjust the budget and size of the retarget audience in relation to the volume of incoming traffic.
Life hack 2. Plan the structure of advertising campaigns in advance
Here is the structure of companies that we have implemented and developed.
1. If your budget allows, test audiences to get the best optimization.
2. Keep track of incoming traffic, it should be enough for the retarget to have new data.
Life hack 3. Track channel analytics.
The easiest way if you have a beginner project:
This way you will really understand the performance of each traffic source. If you are a targetologist, you will be able to get full motivation while working on KPI. And if you are an e-com business owner, you can figure out where to invest more money to scale your business.
If you have a big project and you can't separate everything, then you need an analyst who can clean up your analytics.
Even if everything is perfect in your advertising, there is always something to improve in it, trust my experience. Therefore, I propose a 30 minute audit of your marketing where we discuss the best strategy for you and how I can help you achieve similar results and help you implement that strategy.