June 8, 2021

How to use @hidethisbot

Learn more about Hide This Bot from our community chat

What are inline bots

@hidethisbot belongs to the category of inline bots. This means that work with it is performed only by typing in the input field according to a certain pattern, but not in a private dialogue with the bot as such. How to properly use @hidethisbot following the template, read on.


1. First, write @hidethisbot into the text input field as follows (this works both in private messages and groups).



2. Then add some text you would like to hide.

@hidethisbot top secret


3. After that, end your input by listing @usernames of some people who will (or will not) see the hidden content.

@hidethisbot top secret @undrcrxwn @Leoatomic @crun4


4. Finally, choose one of the proposed modes: either for (only listed people will be able to see the hidden content) or except (your message will be seen by everyone except the listed people).


Some useful links


Have a good day!