November 17, 2020

How Students Can Improve Their Level Of Learning And Retention

It’s quite simple, really. It’s the process by which new information is transferred from our short term to our long-term memory. In other words, it’s all about making new knowledge stick.

Student retention is a major concern for educational institutions around the world. It is not only a problem for universities but has a direct link to the social, economic, and political growth of a country, for which higher education provides strong foundations. Without commitment and passion for learning, there is a high risk of dropping out. People who are determined to follow through on whatever they put their mind to be likely to succeed. In this case, people who commit themselves to their studies are likely to complete them. This sort of commitment and hard work might well follow a person into working life. Consequently, he or she will also be effective in completing future work tasks, which will be valuable to the employer. Thus, the improvement of student retention by delivering quality education in a setting that fosters commitment, leading to student graduation and integration into the workforce, is crucial.

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Therefore, universities should stay attuned to students and find out about their feelings effectively. The collective information gathered can be used to form effective strategies to support the students and to help them become more engaged and integrated into academic life, leading to the prevention of drop-out problems. However, research indicates that academic goals, self-confidence, institutional commitment, social support, and particular contextual influences like institutional selectivity and financial support, in addition to social involvement, all have a positive relationship on student retention. Students who cannot develop these factors are more inclined to drop out.

The Need For Learning

We have a deep need to learn, to make sense of new things in the world around us, to discover how things work and how they fit in with all our other knowledge. Children in particular are driven to learn about their environment and consequently how to survive and thrive.

Learning is critical for evolution, where not understanding the world around you can be fatal. As a result, our brains give us a shot of natural opiates when we learn.

Learning And Retention Nexus

In light of the importance of word retention to learners’ overall academic success, many studies have been conducted to ascertain the most effective ways to facilitate the learning process of students. The rate of learning and retaining through an implicit approach is actually very low. This has led several scholars to become avid advocates of the explicit method of effective learning. Those in favor of this intentional learning approach believe that paying attention to new lexical items is necessary for effective leaning and retention to occur. However, it is not enough for teachers to teach, it is more important that students understand and retain what they are taught in class. There is a strong nexus between learning and retention and where this connection lies is in the ability of students to understand and retain what they are taught during teaching and learning process.

How To Improve The Level Of Learning And Retention

A) Memorizing

One of the many ways to improve the level of learning and retention is by memorizing. Students must learn to inculcate the habit of memorizing whatever they are taught in class by so doing it will be easier for you to retain and not forget easily what you learnt during teaching and learning process.

B) Create A Study Group

It is very important and advisable for students to create study group and be active members of these groups as well. Creating a study group will improve your level of comprehension and retention. Most at times what you do not understand during the teaching process in class will be made clear in simple terms during group study by those who have a better understanding of the subject.

Study group is an effective way of remembering all you’ve studied because you study with your friends or colleagues so at every point in time you are more likely to remember what a member of the group said or explanation he/she gave about a particular topic and that is an easy to improve your level of retention.

C) Engage In Mini Quiz

Engaging in mini quiz is another way to improve your level learning and retention. Mini quiz can be organized by study group members or even in class. Try as much as possible to partake in the quiz regardless of who organized it, it will help you greatly in learning and retention.

D) Try To Avoid Cramming

It is very important that students avoid the habit of cramming. Cramming can make you forget easily as well as inability to express yourself in your own words which most teachers and lecturers like. If you must improve on your kevel of learning and retention, then you must avoid cramming. Moreover, it is even easier for you to remember quickly what you understand about a particular topic in your own words than when you try to quote it verbatim which is an effect of cramming and it isn’t healthy for an effective learning and retention.


Conclusively, for an effective learning and retention it is important that students first of all make up their minds to learn. Developing a study habit is very important for an effective learning process. Develop an open mind to learn and with determination and consistency, the sky is your limit.

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