August 21, 2020

UPSC Exam Paper Pattern: UPSC Prelims and Mains Exam Pattern

In the last five years, there have been many major and minor changes in the UPSC exam paper pattern and syllabus. So, in all those changes, only the CSE Mains exam has been affected. Hence, there has been no change in the number of attempts. Also, age limit and exam pattern for the preliminary exam.

Putting up this article on UPSC exam paper pattern in the most simplified way possible for avoiding any further doubts.

The UPSC civil services exam comprises three parts.

  • Preliminary examination
  • Main Examination
  • Interview

The Preliminary Examination Pattern of UPSC (400 Marks)

The UPSC prelims pattern consists of two objective type papers of two hours each.

Paper I โ€“ is a paper on General Studies โ€“ 200 marks

Paper-II โ€“ is a paper on civil service aptitude test- 200 marks

  • Know one thing here, the preliminary exam is a qualifying exam. The marks obtained in the preliminary examination by the candidates will not be counted.
  • The question will be set in both Hindi and English language papers. However, multiple-choice questions related to English Language Comprehension skills would be provided only in English.

UPSC Mains Pattern ( 2075 Marks)

Here, the total marks of the Main exam and interview sum up to produce the final result.

The main examination will have the 2 qualifying papers and 7 papers to be counted for merit. So, All the 9 papers will have essay-type questions. Let us look at these papers and their patterns.

IAS Mains Exam Pattern

Paper A and B are qualifying papers and the other 7 papers are ranking papers.

Paper A

One of the Indian Languages to be selected by the candidate. ( the languages included in the 8th schedule to the constitution.)

300 Marks

Paper B


300 Marks

Paper I


250 Marks


General Studies I (Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society)

250 Marks

Paper III

General Studies II (Governance, Constitution, Polity. Social Justice and International relations)

250 Marks

Paper IV

General Studies III (Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity. Environment, Security and Disaster Management)

250 Marks

Paper V

General Studies IV ( Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude)

250 Marks

Paper VI

Optional Subject- Paper 1

250 Marks

Paper VII

Optional Subject- Paper 2

250 Marks

For the optional paper, UPSC has a list of about twenty-six subjects. So, anyone subject has to be selected by the candidate.

  • Written exam total โ€“ 1750 Marks
  • Interview total โ€“ 275 Marks
  • Subtotal- 2025 Marks

Marks obtained in Paper 1 to Paper 7 of service aptitude test will be counted for merit ranking.

Want to know more about UPSC exam paper pattern, click here