July 15, 2020

UVC meter test uv lamp intensity

As a kind of light pollution, ultraviolet rays have always been considered as harmful light, and this is indeed the case. The absorption of ultraviolet rays through the skin can damage DNA (the chemical transport unit that makes up the transmission of chromosomal genes). When DNA is damaged, the cells will die or develop into uncontrollable cancer cells. This is the initial stage of tumor formation.According to the size of UV damage, people divided the UV into different levels. Ultraviolet intensity is generally expressed as 0-15. It is usually stipulated that the UV index at night is 0, and the UV is the strongest in the tropical or plateau area and when there is no cloud on a sunny day. It can be seen that the larger the value of the ultraviolet index, the greater the harm of ultraviolet radiation to the human body, and the stronger the damage to the skin in a shorter time. Sometimes, the UV index can be divided into 5 levels, that is, when the index value is 0, 1, 2, it is level 1, which means that the minimum amount of ultraviolet radiation in solar radiation has little effect on the human body; when the UV index is 3, 4, Level 2, which means that the amount of ultraviolet radiation in the solar radiation is relatively low, and the impact on the human body is relatively small; when the ultraviolet index is 5, 6, it can be called level 3, indicating that the ultraviolet radiation is of medium intensity, which has a certain degree of damage to human skin; When the UV index is 7, 8, or 9, it can be regarded as level 4, indicating that the ultraviolet radiation is strong, which is harmful to the human body, and attention should be paid to prevent it; when you go out, you should wear a sun hat, sunglasses or parasol, and you can also apply some sunscreen (The SPF index should be greater than 15). When the UV index ≥10, it can be regarded as grade 5, indicating that the ultraviolet radiation is the strongest and the most harmful to the human body. People should reduce the time of going out (especially around noon), or take active protective measures.

Therefore, we usually need to regularly check the UV level around us in our daily lives. In general, the detection level requires professional equipment, such as UVC meter, spectroradiometer, etc.