๐ฅ 50X Cryptocurrency Exchange - all coins, one platform!
๐ฅ 50X Cryptocurrency Exchange - all coins, one platform!
๐First automatic liquidity aggregator with revolutionary Any-to-Any technology.
๐Trade all coins in one place, directly, any to any!
The exchange has two own tokens:
๐50X - dividend tokens to which all exchange's net profit is distributed!
๐A2A - utility tokens through which all cross-currency trading takes place and internal unified accounting is maintained. Tokens also provide a 50% discount on the payment of any commissions on the exchange.
Alfa version of the exchange opened on March 27, 2018.
๐ June 26, 2018 Beta version of the exchange launched!
๐ October 25, 2018 The final (stable) version of the exchange has been launched!
Main landing page
50x100: STORE
Referral program 50x50