May 20, 2019

NEW SCAN - "The Concept of Sakti in LaksmiDhara's commentary on the SaundaryaLahari in relation to AbhinavaGupta's TantraLoka" #by Rajmani Tigunait# [a dissertation] - 1997

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English annotation by Vishnudut1926: Nice dissertaion about Shree Vidya with the synopsis of Shree LakshmiDhara's Acharya main concepts.

The dissertation has a superb comparison of Shree LakshiDhara's ideas (that is Vedic SamayAchara Shaktism) with AbhinavaGupta's ones (that is Tantrika Shaiva Trika).

Very much recommended if you are interested both in the Vaidik Shree Vidya and more Tantrika-oriented Kashmir Trika.

Scan page example (see below or on #flickr#plurk):