December 28, 2019

श्री श्रीनिवास पाट्टराचार्यैः विरचितः श्रीरामानुजमतसङ्ग्रहः [shrI shrInivAsa pATTarAchAryaiH virachitaH shrIrAmAnujamatasa~NgrahaH] — #Sanskrit-Tamil-English# [Sri Krishna Sabha Mumbai — 2003]

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The English foreword to this edition says the following:

«The author, Srinivasa Pattaracarya was a native of Thanjavur suburb in Tamilnadu and belongs to the illustrious Srisaila vamsa. He was the son of Pattaracarya and the grandson of Kumara Tatacarya. In the benedictory verses and in the concluding portion of the text, the author states that his family was well known for its austerities and on the performance of sacrifices. His period was between 1633 A.D. — 1694 A.D. The text was printed in grantha characters at Kumbakonam with on auto-commentary and an explanation in Tamil in the year 1913. The English translation of this text is now presented in the following pages, for the first time».