February 24, 2023


In this coding tutorial, we will explore how to use the KYVE protocol to access decentralized data for use in your application. We will use JavaScript and the Polkadot JS API to interact with the KYVE protocol.


  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript
  • Basic knowledge of the Polkadot JS API
  • A KYVE account

Step 1: Install the Polkadot JS API Before we can interact with the KYVE protocol, we need to install the Polkadot JS API. To do this, run the following command in your terminal:

cssCopy codenpm install --save @polkadot/api

Step 2: Connect to KYVE To connect to KYVE, we need to instantiate an instance of the Polkadot JS API and connect to the KYVE node. The following code does this:

javascriptCopy codeconst { ApiPromise, WsProvider } = require('@polkadot/api');

async function connect() {
  const provider = new WsProvider('wss://rpc.kyve.network');
  const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider });
  return api;

const api = connect();

Step 3: Retrieve Data from KYVE Now that we are connected to KYVE, we can retrieve data from the protocol. We can do this by calling the query function of the KYVE API. The following code retrieves the KYVE block at a given block height:

javascriptCopy codeasync function getBlockData(height) {
  const { blocks } = api.query.kyve;
  const blockData = await blocks(height);
  return blockData.toHuman();

const blockData = await getBlockData(1000);

Step 4: Contribute Data to KYVE If you have data that you want to contribute to KYVE, you can do this by calling the submit function of the KYVE API. The following code shows how to submit a piece of data to KYVE:

javascriptCopy codeasync function submitData(data) {
  const { submit } = api.tx.kyve;
  const txHash = await submit(data).signAndSend(KYVE_ACCOUNT);
  return txHash;

const data = 'Hello, World!';
const txHash = await submitData(data);

Conclusion: KYVE is a powerful protocol that allows you to access decentralized data for use in your application. With the Polkadot JS API, it is easy to interact with the KYVE protocol and retrieve or contribute data. In this tutorial, we explored how to connect to KYVE, retrieve data from the protocol, and contribute data to the protocol. With this knowledge, you should be able to start using KYVE in your own applications.