August 2, 2020


☭ We are using ZOOM/Discord and MIRO (that's a whiteboard).

Around 2-3 people in one group.

Twice or once a week (depends on the group).

☭ 1 hour each class.

☭ I choose the topic for each class.

☭The content of the class depends on the group but usually we'll discuss some fascinating video, text or a even a book.

☭Usually there's homework (BUT you don't have to do it if you are busy with work/life, it's totally fine not to do it).

☭Course consists of 3 levels. Each of the level lasts 3 months.


-You have your Russian vocabulary activated.
-You have your speaking skills in shape.
-You keep in touch with Russian language and culture.

Some reviews about courses


Q: What if I skip the class?
A: If it was your idea to skip the class (by any reason) the cancelled class is considered to be missed and paid for as you are booking the time in my schedule in advance.

Q: Can we make the skipped class up?
A: I can try my best to find a way for you to make SOME of the missed classes up later, but no promises (depends on my schedule).


Payment is to be made in bundles of 8 group classes (which is enough for 1 month).

Each class lasts 60 minutes.

A bundle of 8 costs is 120$ (+PayPal commission).


Your Russian teacher,

Vladimir Anatolievich