September 12

Can Offline Crypto Transactions Be Real? Sui’s Radio Wave Technology Says Yes

Do you remember the chaos of Windows' infamous blue screen crash that occurred this summer? Blockchains and decentralized systems worked perfectly then and crypto enthusiasts celebrated this moment as a victory for decentralized technology.

However, a more disruptive threat has emerged – one that even blockchain might struggle to overcome. A new focal point of concern is the vulnerability of submarine internet cables, the critical infrastructure transmitting 99% of the world’s telecommunications.

Since our dependence on the internet grows, so does the impact of these cables. Several 'extraordinary' outages have recently highlighted the vulnerability of this system. The incidents raised the question then: what happens when the internet goes down? Without the cables, even the most advanced decentralized systems face potential paralysis.

However, there is an interesting solution on the horizon.The platform Sui has come up with an interesting technology for offline crypto transactions.

The team of Sui develops radio waves technology enabling using your crypto wallet without the internet.When the internet is down, mobile networks and radio waves can be used to transmit crypto transactions with data compressed for efficient transfer. The method can be used in low connectivity areas and during outages. The developers of the project call it internet-less transactions. The technology has been tested and needs to be integrated in the IoT (Internet of Things) devices.

I think it opens incredible opportunities and adds resilience to the digital world. It can revolutionize how people interact with financial services, especially by bringing those services to areas that previously lacked web access. This technology could serve as a robust solution for DeFi in regions ensuring financial inclusion where it’s needed most. What’s even more remarkable is its simplicity—it’s an elegant yet powerful innovation.

#Blockchain #Crypto #DeFi #IoT #Innovation #RadioWaves #OfflineTransactions #DigitalFinance #Internetless