The power of smells
Offline stores have one incredible advantage compared to all online retail channels – ability to use the sense of smell of buyers to attract additional attention.
It doesn’t matter if the store is located on the street or inside the shopping mall: you can set up the distribution of the smell (automatic diffusers, aroma capsules) indoors or at its entrance so that passers-by can catch familiar aromas and then walk towards them. Additional smells should be unobtrusive, but pleasant. They should evoke the necessary product associations.
1. When you enter perfume or cosmetics stores, you always smell a mixture of different smells from samplers. Usually, it is a mix of pleasant expensive fragrances, in which it is difficult to make out anything (except for the definition of a fragrance as masculine or feminine). But everything isn't simple: buyer's brain can unconsciously find the note of aroma he likes in the general flow of smells. It will force a person to stay in the store and try to find that very coveted fragrance that blows the roof off.
2. The same applies to candy stores, bakeries and coffee shops. Aromas of caramel, coffee beans, warm milk and freshly baked bread, fruit jelly, cocoa or vanilla can lead anyone astray. Feelings of warmth, home, calmness and comfort can be triggers for pleasant memories. This means that a person will pay attention to a coffee shop or a bakery, even if he does not see it.
3. All pubs should smell like hops, and alcohol bars should smell like sweet cocktail aromas. Only without the smell of alcohol and fumes: only few people like this part of the party.
4. Shoe stores usually have a "manufacturing" smell of rubber or polyester, although they should have a pleasant smell of noble leather. Even if you don't sell genuine leather, a specific aroma will deceive the minds of buyers – it will be easier for them to decide on a purchase.
5. Home and garden tool shops usually don't smell like anything special: usually metal, plastic, oil. This can be corrected by adding the aroma of fresh morning grass, flowering trees and their foliage, small notes of wildflowers. Thus, the buyer will immerse himself in his memories of a country holiday and thoughts about improving his garden. On this wave, the probability of making a purchase may increase.
6. A vegetable and fruit store should smell fresh and have relatively high humidity (the main thing is not to overdo it). Vegetables and fruits already have their own distinctive smells, so they can be enhanced with light cold steam – it will give you a feeling of freshness.
7. A home furniture store should smell like home, as simple as it sounds. Kitchens and accessories should smell like baked goods or spices, and the bedroom should have a sweet scent of perfume. The range of bathroom products should smell like toothpaste or shampoo, and the living room should smell like wine or cooked food, associating the store visitor with thoughts of relaxation, delicious food and pleasant meetings with relatives/friends. Smells will help buyers to better associate themselves and their lives with a potential interior for sale.
8. What should an electronics store smell like? Computers for work can smell like coffee, washing machines smell like washing powder, slow-cookers smell like warm vegetables... You can go on and on with the logic. Of course, we aren't talking about the goods themselves, but about the space around them.
9. Most likely, only a fish store should not smell strongly of fish. Rather, sea salt and sea wind.
Note: Ordinary goods or products can't reproduce specific flavors. They won't be enough for large spaces near the store. These tastes should also be more defined and permanent. To create fragrances you can connect with perfume workshops that can reproduce almost any smell for your purposes.
A fragrance should evoke emotions and memories, as well as be associated with a real or emotional result that person wants to receive after a purchase.
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