August 20, 2021

What Gave Red Bull Wings? - is here to help you out.

Rogers and Charles note that "Red Bull gives you wings" is a metaphorical expression portraying Red Bull's potential in enhancing mental and physical capabilities, making the expression a clear and persuasive approach to streamlining consumers' attitudes towards purchasing intention (2). Despite facing a lawsuit for its slogan, the company markets itself by maximizing the idea behind its motto by the production of action-packed and high-flying content involving several sports activities.

Every Red Bull's advert anchors on its slogan by helping the company define the high energy content rendered by the drink to its customers (Wong and Man 5). The slogan echoes the drink's associated benefits of stimulating the emotional and physical components of the consumers so that they prosper in various life arenas. Since the conceptualization of the slogan, researchers have ventured into establishing its validity and empirically establish the link between the drink and physical wellbeing. Red Bull is made from glucuronolactone, caffeine, and taurine ingredients, making the drink unique in revitalizing the human body and mind (Rogers and Charles 5). 

Red Bull drinks have emotional and physical gains that make consumers stimulated physically and emotionally, rendering anticipated effects of better alertness, heightened mood, and boosted memory capabilities (Wong and Man 7). The drink's unique ingredients make it motivate the emotional and physical domains, helping consumers' memory, alertness, and mood, thus making it have wings.  As a marketing strategy, the slogan seeks to portray the brand's uniqueness and potential. Additionally, the marketing strategy is one of the most responsive because it persuades and reorients the market consumers' attitudes towards purchasing intention.