October 10, 2020

Laser Measuring Tool

Laser measuring tools have been around ever since before some of us were born, however the principles they use are still the same and the features and benefits are also unchanged. This is an article where we are going to talk about the main advantages that a laser measuring tool has to offer and also which are the main features which should be implemented by such a revolutionary tool.

One of the main advantage that most laser tools have to offer is portability. The latest models of laser measuring tools are designed to be easy to carry and in this manner they can be used to measure distances on multiple locations in the same day Frequently used in the construction Laser Measuring Tool industry, laser measuring tools have become a mandatory requirement, in order to make sure that a project is under the normal standard of the law since certain distances ave to be maintained between buildings. The laser measurement system used for construction work is time of flight, which measures the time it takes for the laser beam to hit the target and then return to the laser source. Mathematical formulas are used to determine the overall distance and the error margin is a maximum of 3 millimeters.

Another great advantage the measuring tools offer is the ease of use. Simply look through the lens to the target you want to point the laser at, match the target to the location just like looking through a sniper rifle and then click away to measure. Later using the formulas and some other reference system the project is ready to proceed.

Linear measurement accuracy is also an assured advantage offered by the laser measuring system thanks to a precision stabilized laser source and an accurate environmental compensation. Readings from these machines can be taken at up to 50 kHz, with a max linear measurement speed of 12 feet per second even at maximum speed. All measurement options found on the laser measuring tools are thus based on interferometer measurements which are considered to be top notch thus giving the confidence of accuracy for the data recorded.