January 27, 2021

A home burial enables you to tend

Home Burial or Cremation When your pet dies you will need to decide whether to bury or cremate the remains. In cases, such as terminal illness, where death has been long-expected, it is a good idea to plan how to deal with your pet in advance.

Our pet coffins & urns are manufactured to the very highest standards to produce lasting memento for those you have loved and cherished. Our range is based on over a decade of experience providing suitable tributes for many beloved pets. There is a wide variety of styles, shapes and finishes, from simple wooden containers to sculptured ones, to suit your pet and the surroundings in which the tribute will be placed designed to cater for the smallest pet to the largest all sharing two common factors - quality of construction and design. Our pet coffins and Caskets are built to give an enduring, attractive container for your pet' aptly reflecting your love and respect.

Garden Burials A burial allows you to mark the plot where your beloved pet lies with a memorial. When you gaze upon it, fond memories of the good times you had with your pet will return. Of course, even if you opt for cremation you can similarly mark the plot where the ashes lie, or keep them in an urn. The most popular and perhaps economical means is the home burial, though for many people without a garden or large open space available to them this is not an option.

A home burial enables you to tend for your pet just that little longer and helps ward off that helpless feeling by giving you something active to do, for instance choosing a location under a tree or by a wall where you can dig the grave. You may prefer to include a memento such as a favourite toy, photos or a rose with your pet's remains.

The thought of your pet lying close by can be comforting and the grave (including the physical work involved digging it) can help you face up to the reality of your loss, It is also a place where you can go and talk to your pet, which helps the healing process, Indeed, this tending of a grave, especially if there is a memorial or grave marker in place, may help you do away with the need for any kind of bereavement counselling or grief therapy.

Burial should be completed as soon as possible after death, because of the inevitable putrefaction. A friend of mine on many occasions prefers to keep their pet's remains overnight garden hose reel cart with wheels in the house - to be close to them for one final time - before burying him or her the next morning in the garden. Make sure there is at least three feet of soil between the top of the casket and the ground; this will prevent other animals digging up the grave. It is also a good idea when backfilling to compact the ground at levels of, say, a foot to prevent settlement. A temporary paving slab, or something similar, offers further protection. Once buried, you are not allowed by law to exhume the animal.