November 28, 2022

P.8.4.4. Use Of Mechanical Braking Energy In Vehicles As Electricity And Hydrogen Energy


Авторы: Balayeva A.H.

Sumgait State University, Sumgait, Azerbaijan, tel.:+99470 722 18 24, e-mail: [email protected]

Use Of Mechanical Braking Energy In Vehicles As Electricity And Hydrogen Energy*

Balayeva A.H.a

Sumgait State University

1 Baku Street, Sumqayit 5008, Azerbaijan


The work is devoted to developing a mechanism for returning the mechanical energy expended during braking of the vehicle, lost during transmission to the body and proportional to the loss of volume of the combustible engine. The withdrawal of mechanical energy from the wheel braking system is carried out by a cable having a connection with an additional element between the body and the rotating wheels. This element is an additional weight, which increases the wheel system in insignificant volume and weight - only a few %. The other end of the cable is connected to a special mechanical energy storage spring. The mechanical pulling force of the cable compresses the spring system of the special design and accumulates mechanical energy in a volume of approximately 60-70% of the braking energy. The same end of the cable is also connected to the freewheel clutch and the return spring. After the mechanical energy has been transferred, the cable and the brake disc (additional element) are freely returned to their original position by a return spring. The mechanical energy accumulator is constructed of springs made of good quality steel. It is possible to create a design that stores the energy of all four wheels of the vehicle with a single spring. For the design investigated in the work, a carbon steel spring was selected using the characteristics of this steel. The electric generator installed in the structure, mechanically connected with the mechanical energy accumulator, converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by rotation of the rotor under the action of spring forces. Electricity from the electric generator is directed for collection in the battery banks.

Key words: hydrogen, vehicle, mechanical energy, electrical energy, accumulator, cable, hydrogen storage, brake disc, free-running clutch, hydrogen generation.


*This paper is the English version of the paper reviewed and published in Russian in “International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology “. ISJAEE, 394, #01 (2022).

a.Corresponding autor: Dr.Efile Balayeva, E-mail: [email protected], phone: +99470 722 18 24; fax: +99470 722 18 24.