June 14, 2023

April 14 is the World Blood Donor Day

On this day, we express our gratitude to the people who voluntarily and gratuitously donate their blood, which is necessary to save human lives.

Here are some interesting and funny facts about blood)

👀The cornea of the eye is the only part of the human body devoid of a circulatory system. In order to preserve the transparency of the cornea, its oxygen enrichment occurs not at the expense of blood cells, but tears, in which oxygen obtained from the air is dissolved.

👩‍⚕️On average, a person weighing 70 kg contains about five liters of blood.

Blood makes up about 7% of a person's weight.

The dots floating in front of your eyes that you see when you look at a bright light or the sky are really your white blood cells.

🦟Only female mosquitoes drink blood. Male mosquitoes are vegetarians.

💰Our body contains about 0.2 mg of gold and most of it is in the blood.

😬To suck out all the blood of an adult, you will need 1120000 mosquitoes

🥛There is about one glass of blood in the body of a newborn baby.

🐌Spiders, snails and octopuses have blue blood due to the fact that it contains hemocyanin containing copper.