June 28, 2023

June 28 is the International Piercing Day

Let's go straight to the facts about this accessory)

In ancient times, for the Egyptians and Assyrians, the earring symbolized a high position in society.
An earring in ancient Rome denounced a slave.

To date, the most "punctured" person is a resident of America. She has more than 6,000 punctures all over her body.

The most common piercing (not counting ear piercing) on the planet – nose piercing.

The largest tunnel in the world for an American is fourteen centimeters. After fixing the record, he spent more than $ 3,000 to restore his ears to their former appearance.

In 1999, in New Zealand, Quill Kindergarten had 90 punctures per session without any anesthesia.

And how do you feel about piercing?