July 11 - World Chocolate Day
This delicious holiday was invented and first held by the French in 1995.
It has been established that there are elements in chocolate that promote relaxation and psychological recovery. Dark varieties of chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins, hormones of happiness that affect the pleasure center, improve mood and maintain body tone.
Now let's move on to interesting facts about chocolate)
Milk chocolate was invented when ordinary chocolate was mixed with condensed milk. One of the authors of this invention was Henry Nestle, after whom one of the most famous brands in the world is named.
Scientists have proven that people who regularly eat chocolate are less likely to suffer from mental clouding in old age.
Every year, people on Earth buy chocolate in the amount of approximately seven billion US dollars.
The life span of cocoa trees can reach 2 centuries, but they bear fruit for only 20-25 years.
One medium cocoa bean is enough to produce approximately one gram of chocolate.
In ancient times, the Aztecs believed that eating chocolate helps to develop spiritually.
Most of the world's chocolate per capita is eaten in Sweden. On average, each Swede has more than 11 kilograms of this product per year.
Unlike most sugary sweets, chocolate cannot cause tooth decay.